WebAudioControls is GUI parts library for Web application using [Polymer] WebComponents.
Especially suitable for audio-applications like VST plugins.
Polymer 1.4 compatible
WebAudioControls is consist of following components
Component | Description |
webaudio-knob | Rotating or some other frame-by-frame animation knob |
webaudio-slider | Vertical or Horizontal slider |
webaudio-switch | Toggle/Kick/Radio switches |
webaudio-param | Editable value display field |
webaudio-keyboard | Mouse/Touch playable keyboard. multi-touch support. |
Chrome / Firefox / Safari / Opera / IE compatible
iOS and Android touch devices compatible
Live Demo sample1 (with external image-files)
Live Demo sample2 (with code example)
Live Demo sample3 (Knob/Slider/Switch/Param/Keyboard default style)
Live Demo sample4 (webaudio-keyboard to webMIDIAPI)
(need Mac+ChromeCanary+flagEnabled+MIDIdevice or Win+JazzPlugin or Mac+JazzPlugin+MidiDevice)
Renoid : Practical application using webaudio-controls
Using with external image-files.
Default style with no external image-files.
Following user actions are supported.
Operation | Component | Description |
Click | Switch/Param | toggle / activate the switch or focus the param |
Drag | Knob/Slider | up/right to increase value / down/left to decrease value |
Shift+Drag | Knob/Slider | fine control |
Ctrl+Click / Command+Click(Mac) | Knob/Slider/Switch | set to default value |
Edit with Keyboard | Param | edit the value directly |
MouseWheel | Knob/Slider | rotate upward to increase value / downward to decrease value |
Shift+MouseWheel | Knob/Slider | fine control |
Mouse Button Press / Touch | Keyboard | play keyboard. multi-touch is supported |
- Install Polymer & webaudio-controls -- Use bower
$ bower install --save webaudio-controls
Or download zipped files.
To use webaudio-controls, these three components must be downloaded and be deployed appropriately.
Polymer: Polymer/polymer
webcomponentsjs: Polymer/webcomponentsjs
webaudio-controls: WebMusicDevelopersJP/webaudio-controls
- load webcomponents.js and polymer
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script><br/>
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
- load webaudio-contols
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/webaudio-controls/webaudio-controls.html">
- insert
<webaudio-knob src="img/LittlePhatty.png" sprites="100" min="0" max="100"></webaudio-knob>
<webaudio-slider src="img/hsliderbody.png"></webaudio-slider>
<webaudio-switch src="img/switch_toggle.png" width="32" height="32"></webaudio-switch>
<webaudio-param src="" link="knob-1"></webaudio-param>
<webaudio-keyboard keys="25"></webaudio-keyboard>
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
src | string | Internal embedded resource is used if not specified | url of the knob image. (single frame or vertical stitched) |
value | float | 0 |
The current value. Also used as initial value if specified |
defvalue | float | Initial 'value' is used if not specified | The default value that will be used when ctrl+click |
min | float | 0 |
Minimum value of the knob |
max | float | 100 |
Maximum value of the knob |
step | float | 1 |
Value step of the control. The 'value' is always rounded to multiple of 'step' |
log | int | 0 |
If 1, knob scale is logalithmic. In this mode, step is ignored. |
units | string | null |
specified units (e.g. Hz) is added to valuetip |
width | int | 64 |
Knob display width in px |
height | int | 64 |
Knob display height in px |
diameter | int | 64 |
Knob display diameter in px. This attribute can be used instead of width / height if the display image is square |
sprites | int | 0 |
if 0 , the src image should be single frame image that indicate middle position. the image will be rotated -135deg to +135deg. if sprirites is not 0 , the src image should be stitched multi-framed image. sprites specify the max frame number in the stitched knob image. Note that this is (number of frames) - 1 |
sensitivity | float | 1 |
Pointing device sensitivity. min-max range correspond to (128 / sensitivity ) px |
valuetip | 0 ,1 |
1 |
Enable the overlaid value-tip display. |
tooltip | string | null |
Tooltip text that will be shown when mouse hover a while |
enable | 0 ,1 |
1 |
Enable control with the pointing device. |
colors | string | "#e00;#000;#000" | Semicolon separated 3 colors for 'indicator', 'body' and 'highlight'. These colors are used in default knob (when src is not provided). |
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
src | string | Internal embedded resource is used if not specified | url of the slider background image |
knobsrc | string | Internal embedded resouce is used if not specified | url of the slider knob part image |
value | float | 0 |
The current value. Also used as initial value if specified |
defvalue | float | Initial 'value' is used if not specified | The default value that will be used when ctrl+click |
min | float | 0 |
Minimum value of the slider |
max | float | 100 |
Maximum value of the slider |
step | float | 1 |
Value step of the control. The 'value' is always rounded to multiple of 'step' |
width | int | 24 |
Slider display width in px |
height | int | 128 |
Slider display height in px |
knobwidth | int | same as 'width' if 'direction' is vert , or same as 'height' if 'direction' is horz |
Slider knob part width in px |
knobheight | int | same as 'width' if 'direction' is vert , or same as 'height' if 'direction' is horz |
Slider knob part height in px |
ditchlength | int | ('height'-'knobheight') or ('width'-'knobwidth') depends on 'direction' | Knob movable length |
direction | "vert" ,"horz" |
"vert" |
Slider direction. vertical or horizontal |
sensitivity | float | 1 |
Pointing device sensitivity. min-max range correspond to (128 / 'sensitivity') px |
valuetip | 0 ,1 |
1 |
Enable the overlaid value-tip display. |
tooltip | string | null |
Tooltip text that will be shown when mouse hover a while |
enable | 0 , 1 |
1 |
Enable control with the pointing device. |
colors | string | "#e00;#000;#fff" | Semicolon separated 3 colors for 'knob', 'background' and 'highlight'. These colors are used in default knob (when src or knobsrc is not provided). |
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
src | string | Internal embedded resource is used if not specified | url of the vertical stitched switch image |
value | 0 ,1 |
0 |
The current value (0 or 1 ). Also used as initial value of the switch if specified |
defvalue | 0 ,1 |
Initial 'value' is used if not specified | The default value that will be used when ctrl+click |
width | int | 32 |
Switch display width in px |
height | int | 32 |
Switch display height in px |
type | "toggle" ,"kick" ,"radio" |
"toggle" |
Switch type. "toggle" switch has so-called 'checkbox' function. "radio" switch is a radio-button and the "kick" switch is a general command button |
group | string | null |
Group id string used if the 'type' is "radio" . Only one switch will be set to "1" in same group |
invert | 0 ,1 |
0 |
exchange on and off image |
tooltip | string | null |
Tooltip text that will be shown when mouse hover a while |
enable | 0 ,1 |
1 |
Enable control with the pointing device. |
colors | string | "#e00;#000;#fff" | Semicolon separated 3 colors for 'knob', 'background' and 'highlight'. These colors are used in default switch (when src is not provided). |
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
src | string | Black rectangle if not specified | Background image or color. Transparent if set to "" , or url to background image. |
value | float | 0 |
The current value. Usually same as linked control |
width | int | 32 |
Parameter display width in px |
height | int | 16 |
Parameter display height in px |
fontsize | int | 9 |
Font-size of the parameter display |
colors | string | "#e00;#000" |
Semicolon separated 2 colors for text and background. background color is used when src is not defined. |
link | string | null |
Specify the linked webaudio-knob/slider/switch by Id |
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
values | int array | [] |
The array of current pressed key numbers. "values" may has more than one element in multi-touch environment. |
width | int | 480 |
Keyboard display width in px |
height | int | 128 |
Keyboard display height in px |
min | int | 0 |
Lowest Key number. Each key is numbered incrementally from this number. If the "min" is not 0 and the modulo 12 is not zero, the keyboard is started from corresponding position (not-C). Note that the specified key should be a 'white-key'. |
keys | int | 25 |
Number of keys. 25 means 25 keys keyboard. |
colors | string | '#222; #eee;#ccc; #333;#000; #e88;#c44; #c33;#800' | semicolon separated 9 keyboard colors. 'border; whitekey-grad-from;whitekey-grad-to; blackkey-grad-from;blackkey-grad-to; active-whitekey-grad-from;active-whitekey-grad-to; active-blackkey-grad-from;active-blackkey-grad-to'. Each key surface can has garadient left to right with 'from' and 'to'. |
enable | 0 ,1 |
1 |
Enable control with the pointing device. |
| webaudio-slider
| webaudio-switch
description: Each control can be setup and redraw by calling this function from JavaScript.
If the fire
parameter is undefined
or false
, this function will not fire 'change'
event. Or the change
event will be fired.
description: webaudio-keyboard can be setup pressing state with this function from JavaScript. corresponding key specified by the note
is pressed if the state
is non-zero otherwise the key is released. This function will NOT fire the 'change' event.
| webaudio-slider
| webaudio-switch
| webaudio-keyboard
description: 'change' event is emitted everytime value changes by user action or setValue() function with fire flag is true
. In the event handler of webaudio-knob
or webaudio-switch
, current value can be get with referring event.target.value
var knobs = document.getElementsByTagName('webaudio-knob');
for (var i = 0; i < knobs.length; i++) {
var knob = knobs[i];
knob.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
// knob.addEventListener('change', (e) => { /* in ES6 */
For the webaudio-keyboard
, each 'change' event has the property '.note' that contain a array [key-state, key-number]
. For example event.note = [1, 60]
if the key#60 is on, or event.note = [0, 60]
if the key#60 is off.
var keyboard = document.getElementsById('keyboard');
keyboard.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
// keyboard.addEventListener('change', (e) => { /* in ES6 */
Note: The addEventListener() function is recommended for event handler setup instead of 'onchange=' attribute. 'onchange=' attribute seems not work on Safari.
webaudio-switch (kick)
description: 'click' event is emitted if the 'kick' type webaudio-switch has clicked.
webaudio-knob (with sprites is 0
(default)) use a single frame knob image that indicate center position.
For example,
This image will be rotated from -135deg to +135deg. This approach will works well if the image is flat designed, but more complex animation (for example, drop-shadowed, highlighted or something elastic) will need pre-rendered frame-by-frame animation as below.
webaudio-knob (with non zero "sprites") use a vertical 'stitched' multi-frames animation image, and webaudio-switch use a vertical 'stitched' two-frames animation image.
For example,
This knob example has only 5 frames but it should has more frames for smooth animation. I recommend to use JKnobMan/WebKnobMan for making these stitched images,
- JKnobMan -- Java based Knob image creation tool.
- WebKnobMan -- WebApp version of the JknobMan
- KnobGallery -- knob data sharing space
Here is a brief instruction to export knob-image from KnobGallery
- Go to KnobGallery
- Find your favorite knob design and click 'Open with WebKnobMan'
- Click on 'Export' to download
file - Of course, you can create your own!
Note: comply with license requirements
WebAudio-Controls is developped based on:
- WebAudio-Knob by Eiji Kitamura
- WebAudio-Slider by Ryoya KAWAI
- WebAudio-Switch by Keisuke Ai
Integrated and enhanced by g200kg
Copyright (c) 2013 Eiji Kitamura / Ryoya KAWAI / Keisuke Ai / g200kg (Tatsuya Shinyagaito)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Knob/Switch images in samples are from Knob Gallery
switch_toggle.knob by az (c) 2011 CC-BY