HapICE (Haplotype Inference for Pseudogene-mediated conversion events based on short-read next-generation sequencing data) is a solution started from the general short-read NGS BAM files and dedicated to inferring the genomic haplotypes of functional/pseudogene pairs that have highly-homologous sequences and gene conversion events frequently occurred, along with result visualization including inferred haplotype, the proportion of gene recombination events between two neighboring informative mutations, and specific reads information.
seqtk >= 1.3-r106
bedtools >= v2.27.1
muscle >= v3.8.31
samtools >= v1.8
blat >= v.36
R >= 3.6.0
HapICE performs haplotype inference followed by three main steps: (1) prepare gene-specific reference, (2) generate reads-region mapping content matrix, and (3) functional/pseudogene haplotype inference and result visualization
Part I: prepare gene-specific reference
Part II: generate reads-region mapping content matrix
Part III: functional/pseudogene haplotype inference and result visualization
Rscript src/pipeline_draw.R
docker pull jargene/hapice:1.0
docker run -d -t -i docker.io/jargene/hapice:1.0 "/bin/bash"
medRxiv: https://medrxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2021.08.22.21262444v1