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Enable manual tests in CI:
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Fixes: RIPD-1575. Fix argument passing to runner. Allow multiple unit
test selectors to be passed via --unittest argument. Add optional
integer priority value to test suite list. Fix several failing manual
tests. Update CLI usage message to make it clearer.
  • Loading branch information
mellery451 authored and seelabs committed Jun 1, 2018
1 parent 95eb5e1 commit cfdc64d
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Showing 25 changed files with 240 additions and 97 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ try {

stage ('Parallel Build') {
String[][] variants = [
['gcc.release.unity', '-Dassert=true', 'MANUAL_TESTS=true'],
Expand All @@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ try {
['clang.release.unity', '-Dassert=true'],
['gcc.release.unity', '-Dassert=true'],
// add a static build just to make sure it works
['gcc.debug.unity', '-Dstatic=true'],
// TODO - sanitizer runs currently fail
Expand Down
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion bin/ci/ubuntu/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,8 +96,34 @@ echo "using APP_PATH: $APP_PATH"
# See what we've actually built

function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }

# This is a list of manual tests
# in rippled that we want to run
declare -a manual_tests=(

if [[ ${APP} == "rippled" ]]; then
APP_ARGS+="--unittest --quiet --unittest-log"
if [[ ${MANUAL_TESTS:-} == true ]]; then
APP_ARGS+="--unittest=$(join_by , "${manual_tests[@]}")"
APP_ARGS+="--unittest --quiet --unittest-log"
# Only report on src/ripple files
export LCOV_FILES="*/src/ripple/*"
# Nothing to explicitly exclude
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/beast/extras/beast/unit_test/global_suites.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ template<class Suite>
struct insert_suite
insert_suite(char const* name, char const* module,
char const* library, bool manual)
char const* library, bool manual, int priority)
name, module, library, manual);
name, module, library, manual, priority);

Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions src/beast/extras/beast/unit_test/suite.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -627,10 +627,10 @@ run(runner& r)

// detail:
// This inserts the suite with the given manual flag
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_INSERT(Class,Module,Library,manual) \
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_INSERT(Class,Module,Library,manual,priority) \
static beast::unit_test::detail::insert_suite <Class##_test> \
Library ## Module ## Class ## _test_instance( \
#Class, #Module, #Library, manual)
#Class, #Module, #Library, manual, priority)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,14 +675,19 @@ run(runner& r)
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE(Class,Module,Library)
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_MANUAL(Class,Module,Library)
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_PRIO(Class,Module,Library,Priority)
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_MANUAL_PRIO(Class,Module,Library,Priority)

#include <beast/unit_test/global_suites.hpp>
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE(Class,Module,Library) \
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_MANUAL(Class,Module,Library) \

#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_PRIO(Class,Module,Library,Priority) \
#define BEAST_DEFINE_TESTSUITE_MANUAL_PRIO(Class,Module,Library,Priority) \

Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/beast/extras/beast/unit_test/suite_info.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class suite_info
std::string module_;
std::string library_;
bool manual_;
int priority_;
run_type run_;

Expand All @@ -35,11 +36,13 @@ class suite_info
std::string module,
std::string library,
bool manual,
int priority,
run_type run)
: name_(std::move(name))
, module_(std::move(module))
, library_(std::move(library))
, manual_(manual)
, priority_(priority)
, run_(std::move(run))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,9 +90,10 @@ class suite_info
operator<(suite_info const& lhs, suite_info const& rhs)
std::tie(lhs.library_, lhs.module_, lhs.name_) <
std::tie(rhs.library_, rhs.module_, rhs.name_);
// we want higher priority suites sorted first, thus the negation
// of priority value here
return std::forward_as_tuple(-lhs.priority_, lhs.library_, lhs.module_, lhs.name_) <
std::forward_as_tuple(-rhs.priority_, rhs.library_, rhs.module_, rhs.name_);

Expand All @@ -102,13 +106,15 @@ make_suite_info(
std::string name,
std::string module,
std::string library,
bool manual)
bool manual,
int priority)
return suite_info(
[](runner& r)
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/beast/extras/beast/unit_test/suite_list.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ class suite_list
char const* name,
char const* module,
char const* library,
bool manual);
bool manual,
int priority);

Expand All @@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ suite_list::insert(
char const* name,
char const* module,
char const* library,
bool manual)
bool manual,
int priority)
#ifndef NDEBUG
Expand All @@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ suite_list::insert(
name, module, library, manual));
name, module, library, manual, priority));

} // unit_test
Expand Down
143 changes: 114 additions & 29 deletions src/ripple/app/main/Main.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,40 @@ void printHelp (const po::options_description& desc)


/* simple unit test selector that allows a comma separated list
* of selectors
class multi_selector
std::vector<beast::unit_test::selector> selectors_;
multi_selector(std::string const& patterns = "")
std::vector<std::string> v;
boost::split (v, patterns, boost::algorithm::is_any_of (","));
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(),
[this](std::string s)
boost::trim (s);
if (selectors_.empty() || !s.empty())
beast::unit_test::selector::automatch, s);

operator()(beast::unit_test::suite_info const& s)
for (auto& sel : selectors_)
if (sel(s))
return true;
return false;

static int runUnitTests(
std::string const& pattern,
std::string const& argument,
Expand All @@ -202,7 +236,8 @@ static int runUnitTests(
multi_runner_parent parent_runner;

multi_runner_child child_runner{num_jobs, quiet, log};
auto const any_failed = child_runner.run_multi(match_auto(pattern));
auto const any_failed = child_runner.run_multi(multi_selector(pattern));

if (any_failed)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +286,8 @@ static int runUnitTests(
// child
multi_runner_child runner{num_jobs, quiet, log};
auto const anyFailed = runner.run_multi(match_auto(pattern));
auto const anyFailed = runner.run_multi(multi_selector(pattern));

if (anyFailed)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,50 +327,99 @@ int run (int argc, char** argv)

// Set up option parsing.
po::options_description desc ("General Options");
desc.add_options ()
("help,h", "Display this message.")
po::options_description gen ("General Options");
gen.add_options ()
("conf", po::value<std::string> (), "Specify the configuration file.")
("rpc", "Perform rpc command (default).")
("rpc_ip", po::value <std::string> (), "Specify the IP address for RPC command. Format: <ip-address>[':'<port-number>]")
("rpc_port", po::value <std::uint16_t> (), "Specify the port number for RPC command.")
("standalone,a", "Run with no peers.")
("unittest,u", po::value <std::string> ()->implicit_value (""), "Perform unit tests.")
("unittest-arg", po::value <std::string> ()->implicit_value (""), "Supplies argument to unit tests.")
("unittest-log", po::value <std::string> ()->implicit_value (""), "Force unit test log output, even in quiet mode.")
("unittest-jobs", po::value <std::size_t> (), "Number of unittest jobs to run.")
("unittest-child", "For internal use only. Run the process as a unit test child process.")
("parameters", po::value< vector<string> > (), "Specify comma separated parameters.")
("quiet,q", "Reduce diagnotics.")
("quorum", po::value <std::size_t> (), "Override the minimum validation quorum.")
("debug", "Enable normally suppressed debug logging")
("fg", "Run in the foreground.")
("help,h", "Display this message.")
("quorum", po::value <std::size_t> (),
"Override the minimum validation quorum.")
("silent", "No output to the console after startup.")
("standalone,a", "Run with no peers.")
("verbose,v", "Verbose logging.")
("load", "Load the current ledger from the local DB.")
("valid", "Consider the initial ledger a valid network ledger.")
("replay","Replay a ledger close.")
("ledger", po::value<std::string> (), "Load the specified ledger and start from .")
("version", "Display the build version.")

po::options_description data ("Ledger/Data Options");
data.add_options ()
("import", importText.c_str ())
("ledger", po::value<std::string> (),
"Load the specified ledger and start from the value given.")
("ledgerfile", po::value<std::string> (), "Load the specified ledger file.")
("start", "Start from a fresh Ledger.")
("load", "Load the current ledger from the local DB.")
("net", "Get the initial ledger from the network.")
("debug", "Enable normally suppressed debug logging")
("fg", "Run in the foreground.")
("import", importText.c_str ())
("nodetoshard", "Import node store into shards")
("replay","Replay a ledger close.")
("start", "Start from a fresh Ledger.")
("valid", "Consider the initial ledger a valid network ledger.")
("validateShards", shardsText.c_str ())
("version", "Display the build version.")

po::options_description rpc ("RPC Client Options");
"Perform rpc command - see below for available commands. "
"This is assumed if any positional parameters are provided.")
("rpc_ip", po::value <std::string> (),
"Specify the IP address for RPC command. "
"Format: <ip-address>[':'<port-number>]")
("rpc_port", po::value <std::uint16_t> (),
"Specify the port number for RPC command.")

po::options_description test ("Unit Test Options");
"Suppress test suite messages, "
"including suite/case name (at start) and test log messages.")
("unittest,u", po::value <std::string> ()->implicit_value (""),
"Perform unit tests. The optional argument specifies one or "
"more comma-separated selectors. Each selector specifies a suite name, "
"full-name (lib.module.suite), module, or library "
"(checked in that ""order).")
("unittest-arg", po::value <std::string> ()->implicit_value (""),
"Supplies an argument string to unit tests. If provided, this argument "
"is made available to each suite that runs. Interpretation of the "
"argument is handled individually by any suite that accesses it -- "
"as such, it typically only make sense to provide this when running "
"a single suite.")
"Force unit test log message output. Only useful in combination with "
"--quiet, in which case log messages will print but suite/case names "
"will not.")
("unittest-jobs", po::value <std::size_t> (),
"Number of unittest jobs to run in parallel (child processes).")

// These are hidden options, not intended to be shown in the usage/help message
po::options_description hidden ("Hidden Options");
("parameters", po::value< vector<string> > (),
"Specify rpc command and parameters. This option must be repeated "
"for each command/param. Positional parameters also serve this purpose, "
"so this option is not needed for users")
"For internal use only when spawning child unit test processes.")

// Interpret positional arguments as --parameters.
po::positional_options_description p;
p.add ("parameters", -1);

po::options_description all;

po::options_description desc;

// Parse options, if no error.
po::store (po::command_line_parser (argc, argv)
.options (desc) // Parse options.
.options (all) // Parse options.
.positional (p) // Remainder as --parameters.
.run (),
Expand Down

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