Please do **not ** change one file per commit. Please change as many as you want, unless you're commiting two changes to the source code. Feel free to fix / add anything wanted in to-do list here.
If you wish to remove someone else's commit, please consult them, or a head staff member first. If you do not abide this rule, it will lead to punishment.
To launch the Toontown Crystal game, you can choose any of the servers specified, which change quite often. (src < dev < win32)
If you find a bug, or want to help out the source, feel free to submit a pull request to our source code! Our team will try to get to it as soon as possible, as we're always glad for help from anyone!
We would like to say Thank You to Disney, Toontown Rewritten, Toontown Infinite, Toontown Stride, and other Toontown games, for making this Toontown game possible. Without the thanked sources, Toontown Crystal wouldn't have existed.