Manuals for lightgun games.
This repository contains manuals for lightgun games for various systems. Some systems are complete or near-complete while others are sparse. I have tried to find manuals from the internet where possible, but it has been difficult to source manuals for many games, particularly if there was no American release. Consequently, I have spent much time scanning manuals from my own personal collection, and even added to my collection in order to obtain the manuals to scan.
The project has been enjoyable and continues to be so. My hope is that people will find it useful.
I do not expect anything in return, I only want to make available the information that I once sought and failed to find. The problem is that scanning can be time consuming and most people who own the manuals see little need in scanning what they already have, but I wanted the next person to easily find the information that I couldn't, and now that I'm in a position to be able to provide that information, I know that I can be of service. I wanted to leave the internet a better place than as I found it.
Translations of non-english manuals have been done by Google. They may not be accurate but they might be good enough to understand game menus and control schemes at least.
If the manuals were scanned by myself, then I have scanned the entire manual. Multilingual manuals include pages for all the languages represented. If they were found online, then it might be that only the English portion was scanned.
If you are appreciative and really want to contribute in some way, there are a few things that you might be abe to do:
- Missing manuals - If you have a manual for a lightgun game that isn't in this repositiory, please share it! A good quality scan of every page of the manual (including the covers and blank pages) would be amazing.
- Japanese-to-English translations - many games are Japanese only and google translate is ok, enough maybe to get the gist of things, but it doesn't beat a human translation. If you can read Japanese and are willing to spend time producing a better-than-google english translation of any japanese manuals, it would be appreciated.
- German-to-English translations - Two of the three Moorhuhn games were released in Germany only so only have manuals in the German language. If you are proficient in German and have time to produce them, then some better-than-Google translations of these manuals would be appreciated.
- A financial donation - I don't really want to ask for money, but some people have asked about it and it might be the only way someone can show appreciation/support if not able to help practically. It does help to offset the cost of the project but, ultimately, purchases made do end up becoming part of my personal collection, which is why I don't really like to ask for money. But if you want to, say, buy me a drink, you can do so via ko-fi at and I would be thankful and grateful for it.
- Corrections - If you find a manual that is of poor quality, let me know and I will try to replace it. If it's in my collection I will scan my own copy, or if you know where there is a better scan online then send a link.