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Tags: WiiliamChik/XCDYouTubeKit



Toggle 2.12.0's commit message
* Add the ability to specify which `streamURLs` to query via `-[XCDYo…

…uTubeClient queryVideo:video:streamURLsToQuery:options:cookies:completionHandler:]` & `XCDYouTubeVideoQueryOperation` class.

	* `initWithVideo:streamURLsToQuery:options:cookies:` is now the designated initializer for  `XCDYouTubeVideoQueryOperation`.
* Correctly annotate the `streamURLs` & `streamErrors` properties as `nullable`.


Toggle 2.11.0's commit message
* `-[XCDYouTubeClient queryVideo:video:cookies:completionHandler:]` c…

…ompletion handler is now correctly called on the main thread.

* Improved video querying to handle videos that have incomplete streams. (0xced#456)
* Errors returned in `streamErrors` may contain the `NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey` key in `-[NSError userInfo]` when `NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost` is reported, this may indicate the file is incomplete on YouTube's server.
* Add logging to `XCDYouTubeVideoQueryOperation` class.
* Improved `-[XCDYouTubeVideoQueryOperation description]`.


Toggle 2.10.0's commit message
* Fixed issue that caused certain videos to return error (0xced#468)

* Add the ability to query `XCDYouTubeVideo` for reachable streams via `-[XCDYouTubeClient queryVideo:video:cookies:completionHandler:]` & `XCDYouTubeVideoQueryOperation` class
* Add new `videoIdentifiers` property in `XCDYouTubeVideo` (0xced#290)


Toggle 2.9.0's commit message
* Add the ability to use custom regular expression patterns via `-[XC…

…DYouTubeClient getVideoWithIdentifier:cookies:customPatterns:completionHandler:]` & `initWithVideoIdentifier:cookies:languageIdentifier:customPatterns` (0xced#463, 0xced#199)

* Add new `viewCount` property in `XCDYouTubeVideo` (0xced#460)
* Silence warning about deprecated implementation (0xced#450)


Toggle 2.8.3's commit message
* Adaptation to YouTube API change. (0xced#443)


Toggle 2.8.2's commit message
* Add new `streamURL` property on `XCDYouTubeVideo`

* Fixed Swift Package Manager (0xced#441)
* Support iOS 13 in Demo Projects
  * Support background playback (0xced#427, 0xced#442)


Toggle 2.8.1's commit message
* Adaptation to YouTube API change. (0xced#447, 0xced#448, 0xced#449)


Toggle 2.8.0's commit message
* Adaptation to YouTube API change.

	* Deprecated `XCDYouTubeErrorRestrictedPlayback` & `XCDYouTubeErrorInvalidVideoIdentifier` use `XCDYouTubeErrorNoStreamAvailable` instead.


Toggle 2.7.8's commit message
* Adaptation to YouTube API change. (0xced#443)


Toggle 2.7.7's commit message
* Add another player script regular expression (0xced#438)