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Jama API


Use this library to access to your JAMA Contour instance. The source code was generated with Swagger Codegen with the following command.

java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-3.0.0.jar generate -i swagger.json -l java

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone the jama-api repository and install the dependencies:


You need git to clone the jama-api repository.

You will need Java™ SE Development Kit 8 and Maven.

Clone jama-api

Clone the jama-api repository using git:

git clone
cd jama-api


Generate the JAR by executing:

mvn package

Create a new release in the GitHub repository, for example v1.0.0 and add the generated jama-api-1.0.0.jar file to the release.

Then browse to and follow the instructions. JitPack is an easy to use package repository for Git.

Use the Library

Maven users

Add the repository to your project's POM:


Add the dependency:


and simply execute:

mvn install


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/jama-api-1.0.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.AbstractitemsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class AbstractitemsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient client = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
        HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
        basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        ProjectsApi api=new ProjectsApi();
        try {
            Project project=api.getProject(new Integer(30),null).getData();
        } catch (ApiException e) {

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AbstractitemsApi getAbstractItems GET /abstractitems Search for items, test plans, test cycles, test runs, or attachments
AbstractitemsApi getItem GET /abstractitems/{id} Get any item, test plan, test cycle, test run, or attachment with the specified ID
AbstractitemsApi getVersionOnItem GET /abstractitems/{id}/versions/{versionNum} Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID
AbstractitemsApi getVersionedItem GET /abstractitems/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem Get the snapshot of the item at the specified version
AbstractitemsApi getVersionedRelationships GET /abstractitems/{id}/versionedrelationships Get all versioned relationships that were associated to the item at the specified time
AbstractitemsApi getVersionsOnItem GET /abstractitems/{id}/versions Get all versions for the item with the specified ID
ActivitiesApi getActivities GET /activities Get all activities in the project with the specified ID
ActivitiesApi getActivityById GET /activities/{activityId} Get the activity with the specified ID
ActivitiesApi getAffectedItems GET /activities/{activityId}/affecteditems Get all items affected by the activity with the specified ID
ActivitiesApi restoreItems POST /activities/{activityId}/restore Restore item(s) associated with a delete activity.
AttachmentsApi downloadFile GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/file Download attachment file from the attachment with the specified ID
AttachmentsApi getAttachmentItem GET /attachments/{attachmentId} Get the attachment with the specified ID
AttachmentsApi getItemComments GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/comments Get all comments for the item with the specified ID
AttachmentsApi getLock GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/lock Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID
AttachmentsApi getVersionOnItem1 GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/versions/{versionNum} Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID
AttachmentsApi getVersionedItem1 GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem Get the snapshot of the attachment at the specified version
AttachmentsApi getVersionsOnItem1 GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/versions Get all versions for the item with the specified ID
AttachmentsApi updateLock PUT /attachments/{attachmentId}/lock Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID
AttachmentsApi uploadFile PUT /attachments/{attachmentId}/file Upload attachment file to the attachment with the specified ID
BaselinesApi getBaseline GET /baselines/{baselineId} Get the baseline with the specified ID
BaselinesApi getBaselines GET /baselines Get all baselines in the project with the specified ID
BaselinesApi getRelationshipsForVersion GET /baselines/{baselineId}/versioneditems/{itemId}/versionedrelationships Get all versioned relationships for the item in the baseline
BaselinesApi getVersionedItem GET /baselines/{baselineId}/versioneditems/{itemId} Get the baseline item with the specified ID in a baseline with the specified ID
BaselinesApi getVersionedItems GET /baselines/{baselineId}/versioneditems Get all baseline items in a baseline with the specified ID
CommentsApi addComment POST /comments Create a new comment
CommentsApi getComment GET /comments/{id} Get the comment with the specified ID
CommentsApi getComments GET /comments Get all comments viewable by the current user
CommentsApi getReplies GET /comments/{id}/replies Get all reply comments for the comment with the specified ID
FilesApi downloadFile GET /files Download attachment file from the attachment with the specified Jama URL
FiltersApi getFilter GET /filters/{id} Get the filter with the specified ID
FiltersApi getFilters GET /filters Get all filters in the project with the specified ID viewable by the current user
FiltersApi getResults GET /filters/{id}/results Get all result items for the filter with the specified ID
ItemsApi addAttachmentToItem POST /items/{id}/attachments Add an existing attachment to the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi addItem POST /items Create a new item
ItemsApi addItemLink POST /items/{id}/links Create a new link for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi addTagToItem POST /items/{id}/tags Add an existing tag to the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi breakSyncOnItem DELETE /items/{id}/synceditems/{syncedItemId} Remove an existing item from the Global ID pool of the item with the specified ID (break sync)
ItemsApi connectItemToGlobalIDPool POST /items/{id}/synceditems Add an existing item to the Global ID pool of the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi deleteItem DELETE /items/{id} Delete the item with the specified ID (item becomes inactive and can be un-deleted if necessary)
ItemsApi deleteItemLink DELETE /items/{id}/links/{linkId} Delete the link with the specified ID
ItemsApi duplicateItem POST /items/{id}/duplicate Create a duplicate of item
ItemsApi executeTransition POST /items/{id}/workflowtransitions Executes a workflow transition for the item with the specified ID. Valid transitions can be found at /items/{id}/workflowtransitionoptions
ItemsApi getActivities GET /items/{id}/activities Get all activities for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getAttachments GET /items/{id}/attachments Get all attachments for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getChildItems GET /items/{id}/children Get all children items for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getDownstreamRelated GET /items/{id}/downstreamrelated Get all downstream related items for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getDownstreamRelationships GET /items/{id}/downstreamrelationships Get all downstream relationships for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getItem GET /items/{id} Get the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getItemComments GET /items/{id}/comments Get all comments for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getItemLinks GET /items/{id}/links Get all links for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getItems GET /items Get all items in the project with the specified ID
ItemsApi getLinkById GET /items/{id}/links/{linkId} Get the link with the specified ID
ItemsApi getLocation GET /items/{id}/location Get the location for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getLock GET /items/{id}/lock Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getParentItem GET /items/{id}/parent Get the parent item for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getSyncItems GET /items/{id}/synceditems Get all synchronized items for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getSyncStatus GET /items/{id}/synceditems/{syncedItemId}/syncstatus Get the sync status for the synced item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getTagOnItem GET /items/{id}/tags/{tagId} Get the tag with the specified ID
ItemsApi getTagsOnItem GET /items/{id}/tags Get all tags for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getUpstreamRelated GET /items/{id}/upstreamrelated Get all upstream related items for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getUpstreamRelationships GET /items/{id}/upstreamrelationships Get all upstream relationships for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getVersionOnItem2 GET /items/{id}/versions/{versionNum} Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getVersionedItem2 GET /items/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem Get the snapshot of the item at the specified version
ItemsApi getVersionsOnItem2 GET /items/{id}/versions Get all versions for the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi getWorkflowTransitionOptions GET /items/{id}/workflowtransitionoptions Get all valid workflow transitions that can be made on the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi patchItem PATCH /items/{id} Update the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi putItem PUT /items/{id} Update the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi removeAttachmentFromItem DELETE /items/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId} Remove an existing attachment from the item
ItemsApi removeTagFromItem DELETE /items/{id}/tags/{tagId} Remove an existing tag from the item with the specified ID
ItemsApi updateItemLink PUT /items/{id}/links/{linkId} Update the link with the specified ID
ItemsApi updateLocation PUT /items/{id}/location Update the location for the item with the specified ID as an asynchronous request (a successful response signifies that the work was started and a work identifier is given. This identifier will be used in a future feature). Any child items are moved along with this item. Note that this currently only supports moving items between projects
ItemsApi updateLock PUT /items/{id}/lock Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID
ItemtypesApi getItem GET /itemtypes/{itemTypeId} Get the item type with the specified ID
ItemtypesApi getItemTypes GET /itemtypes Get all item types
PicklistoptionsApi getPicklistOption GET /picklistoptions/{picklistOptionId} Get the pick list option with the specified ID
PicklistoptionsApi updatePicklistOption PUT /picklistoptions/{picklistOptionId} Update the pick list option with the specified ID
PicklistsApi addPickListOptionToPickList POST /picklists/{picklistId}/options Create a new pick list option for the pick list with the specified ID
PicklistsApi getPickList GET /picklists/{picklistId} Get the pick list with the specified ID
PicklistsApi getPickListOptions GET /picklists/{picklistId}/options Get all pick list options for the pick list with the specified ID
PicklistsApi getPickLists GET /picklists Get all pick lists
ProjectsApi addProject POST /projects Create a new project
ProjectsApi getItemTypesInProject GET /projects/{projectId}/itemtypes Get all item types for the project with the specified ID
ProjectsApi getProject GET /projects/{projectId} Get the project with the specified ID
ProjectsApi getProjects GET /projects Get all projects
ProjectsApi getTagsInProject GET /projects/{projectId}/tags Get all tags for the project with the specified ID
ProjectsApi postAttachment POST /projects/{projectId}/attachments Create a new attachment in the project with the specified ID
ProjectsApi putProject PUT /projects/{projectId} Update the project with the specified ID
RelationshipsApi clearSuspectLink DELETE /relationships/{relationshipId}/suspect Remove an existing suspect link for the relationship with the specified ID
RelationshipsApi createRelationship POST /relationships Create a new relationship
RelationshipsApi deleteRelationship DELETE /relationships/{relationshipId} Delete the relationship with the specified ID
RelationshipsApi getRelationship GET /relationships/{relationshipId} Get the relationship with the specified ID
RelationshipsApi getRelationships GET /relationships Get all relationships in the project with the specified ID
RelationshipsApi updateRelationship PUT /relationships/{relationshipId} Update the relationship with the specified ID
RelationshiptypesApi getRelationshipType GET /relationshiptypes/{id} Get the relationship type with the specified ID
RelationshiptypesApi getRelationshipTypes GET /relationshiptypes Get all relationship types
ReleasesApi addRelease POST /releases Create a new release
ReleasesApi getRelease GET /releases/{releaseId} Get the release with the specified ID
ReleasesApi getReleases GET /releases Get all releases in the project with the specified ID
ReleasesApi putRelease PUT /releases/{releaseId} Update the release with the specified ID
SystemApi getDomains GET /system/settings/corsdomains Get the current CORS domain whitelist
SystemApi setDomains POST /system/settings/corsdomains Update CORS domain whitelist
TagsApi addTagToProject POST /tags Create a new tag in the project with the specified ID
TagsApi deleteTag DELETE /tags/{id} Delete the tag with the specified ID
TagsApi getItemsUsingTag GET /tags/{id}/items Get all items that have the tag with the specified ID
TagsApi getTag GET /tags/{id} Get the tag with the specified ID
TagsApi getTagsInProject GET /tags Get all tags for the project with the specified ID
TagsApi putTag PUT /tags/{id} Update the tag with the specified ID
TestcyclesApi deleteTestCycle DELETE /testcycles/{testCycleId} Delete the test cycle with the specified ID, including the test runs in the test cycle
TestcyclesApi getTestCycle GET /testcycles/{testCycleId} Get the test cycle with the specified ID
TestcyclesApi getTestCycleTestGroup GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/testgroup/{testGroupId} Get the test cycle test group for the test cycle with the specified ID
TestcyclesApi getTestRuns GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/testruns Get all test runs for the test cycle with the specified ID
TestcyclesApi getVersionOnItem3 GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/versions/{versionNum} Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID
TestcyclesApi getVersionedItem3 GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem Get the snapshot of the test cycle at the specified version
TestcyclesApi getVersionsOnItem3 GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/versions Get all versions for the item with the specified ID
TestcyclesApi patchTestCycle PATCH /testcycles/{testCycleId} Update the test cycle with the specified ID, including regenerating the test runs in the test cycle
TestcyclesApi updateTestCycle PUT /testcycles/{testCycleId} Update the test cycle with the specified ID, including regenerating the test runs in the test cycle
TestplansApi addAttachmentToItem POST /testplans/{id}/attachments Add an existing attachment to the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi addItemLink POST /testplans/{id}/links Create a new link for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi addTagToItem POST /testplans/{id}/tags Add an existing tag to the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi addTestGroup POST /testplans/{id}/testgroups Create a new test group to the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi createTestCycle POST /testplans/{id}/testcycles Create a new test cycle
TestplansApi createTestPlan POST /testplans Create a new test plan
TestplansApi deleteItemLink DELETE /testplans/{id}/links/{linkId} Delete the link with the specified ID
TestplansApi deleteTestCase DELETE /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases/{testCaseId} Remove an existing test case from the test group
TestplansApi deleteTestGroup DELETE /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId} Delete the test group with the specified ID
TestplansApi deleteTestPlan DELETE /testplans/{id} Delete the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getActivities GET /testplans/{id}/activities Get all activities for the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getAttachments GET /testplans/{id}/attachments Get all attachments for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi getDownstreamRelated GET /testplans/{id}/downstreamrelated Get all downstream related items for the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getDownstreamRelationships GET /testplans/{id}/downstreamrelationships Get all downstream relationships for the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getItemComments GET /testplans/{id}/comments Get all comments for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi getItemLinks GET /testplans/{id}/links Get all links for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi getLinkById GET /testplans/{id}/links/{linkId} Get the link with the specified ID
TestplansApi getLock GET /testplans/{id}/lock Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTagOnItem GET /testplans/{id}/tags/{tagId} Get the tag with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTagsOnItem GET /testplans/{id}/tags Get all tags for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTestCaseById GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases/{testCaseId} Get the test case with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTestCases GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases Get all test cases associated with the test group with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTestCycles GET /testplans/{id}/testcycles Get all test cycles for the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTestGroupById GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId} Get the test group with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTestGroups GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups Get all test groups for the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTestPlan GET /testplans/{id} Get the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getTestPlans GET /testplans Get all test plans in the project with the specified ID
TestplansApi getUpstreamRelated GET /testplans/{id}/upstreamrelated Get all upstream related items for the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getUpstreamRelationships GET /testplans/{id}/upstreamrelationships Get all upstream relationships for the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi getVersionOnItem4 GET /testplans/{id}/versions/{versionNum} Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi getVersionedItem4 GET /testplans/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem Get the snapshot of the test plan at the specified version
TestplansApi getVersionsOnItem4 GET /testplans/{id}/versions Get all versions for the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi patchTestPlan PATCH /testplans/{id} Update the test plan with the specified ID
TestplansApi postTestCase POST /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases Add an existing test case to the test group with the specified ID
TestplansApi removeAttachmentFromItem DELETE /testplans/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId} Remove an existing attachment from the item
TestplansApi removeTagFromItem DELETE /testplans/{id}/tags/{tagId} Remove an existing tag from the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi toggleArchivedStatus PUT /testplans/{id}/archived Update the archived status of the test plan
TestplansApi updateItemLink PUT /testplans/{id}/links/{linkId} Update the link with the specified ID
TestplansApi updateLock PUT /testplans/{id}/lock Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID
TestplansApi updateTestGroup PUT /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId} Update the test group with the specified ID
TestplansApi updateTestPlan PUT /testplans/{id} Update the test plan with the specified ID
TestrunsApi addAttachmentToItem POST /testruns/{id}/attachments Add an existing attachment to the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi addItemLink POST /testruns/{id}/links Create a new link for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi addTagToItem POST /testruns/{id}/tags Add an existing tag to the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi deleteItemLink DELETE /testruns/{id}/links/{linkId} Delete the link with the specified ID
TestrunsApi deleteTestRun DELETE /testruns/{id} Delete the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getActivities GET /testruns/{id}/activities Get all activities for the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getAttachments GET /testruns/{id}/attachments Get all attachments for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getDownstreamRelated GET /testruns/{id}/downstreamrelated Get all downstream related items for the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getDownstreamRelationships GET /testruns/{id}/downstreamrelationships Get all downstream relationships for the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getItemComments GET /testruns/{id}/comments Get all comments for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getItemLinks GET /testruns/{id}/links Get all links for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getLinkById GET /testruns/{id}/links/{linkId} Get the link with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getLock GET /testruns/{id}/lock Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getTagOnItem GET /testruns/{id}/tags/{tagId} Get the tag with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getTagsOnItem GET /testruns/{id}/tags Get all tags for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getTestRun GET /testruns/{id} Get the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getTestRuns GET /testruns Search for test runs associated with test cases, test plans, an test cycles
TestrunsApi getUpstreamRelated GET /testruns/{id}/upstreamrelated Get all upstream related items for the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getUpstreamRelationships GET /testruns/{id}/upstreamrelationships Get all upstream relationships for the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getVersionOnItem5 GET /testruns/{id}/versions/{versionNum} Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi getVersionedItem5 GET /testruns/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem Get the snapshot of the test run at the specified version
TestrunsApi getVersionsOnItem5 GET /testruns/{id}/versions Get all versions for the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi makeTestRunCurrent POST /testruns/{id}/updatedtestcase Delete the current test run and then create a new test run based on the latest test case version.
TestrunsApi patchTestRun PATCH /testruns/{id} Update the execution results for the test run with the specified ID
TestrunsApi removeAttachmentFromItem DELETE /testruns/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId} Remove an existing attachment from the item
TestrunsApi removeTagFromItem DELETE /testruns/{id}/tags/{tagId} Remove an existing tag from the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi updateItemLink PUT /testruns/{id}/links/{linkId} Update the link with the specified ID
TestrunsApi updateLock PUT /testruns/{id}/lock Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID
TestrunsApi updateTestRun PUT /testruns/{id} Update the execution results for the test run with the specified ID
UsergroupsApi addUserGroup POST /usergroups Create a new user group
UsergroupsApi addUserToGroup POST /usergroups/{id}/users Add an existing user to the user group with the specified ID
UsergroupsApi deleteItem DELETE /usergroups/{id} Delete the user group with the specified ID
UsergroupsApi getGroup GET /usergroups/{id} Get the user group with the specified ID
UsergroupsApi getGroupUsers GET /usergroups/{id}/users Get all users for the user group with the specified ID
UsergroupsApi getUsers GET /usergroups Get all user groups
UsergroupsApi removeUserFromGroup DELETE /usergroups/{id}/users/{userId} Remove an existing user from the user group with the specified ID
UsergroupsApi updateUserGroup PUT /usergroups/{id} Update the user group with the specified ID
UsersApi addUser POST /users Create a new user
UsersApi getCurrentUser GET /users/current Gets the current user
UsersApi getFavoriteFiltersForCurrentUser GET /users/current/favoritefilters Gets the current user's favorite filters
UsersApi getUser GET /users/{userId} Get the user with the specified ID
UsersApi getUsers GET /users Get all users
UsersApi putUser PUT /users/{userId} Update the user with the specified ID
UsersApi setActiveStatus PUT /users/{userId}/active Update the active status for the user with the specified ID

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: password
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • token_information: main scope for using Jama REST API


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.



API for Jama






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