API centric CLIs made easy using requests and Python3.7+
Double Click removes the boiler plate of CLIs that primarily communicate with an API by adding features like:
- User permissions - Hide command if user doesn't have access
- HTTP Session management - refresh auth during long running async operations
- HTTP Sessions tied to a user - Allows for things like
all_roles = {**google_session.user.access, **duo_session.user.access
- Use HTTP response for command choices (e.g. click.Choice) instead of hard coded values that may not be viable e.g. users
- Normalizing a requests.Response object to a human readable value
- Catching exceptions during async http requests and normalizing to a human readable value
- Displaying complex structures like a bullet list, table, or code snippets in the terminal.
- Local file caching for large API responses with custom TTL
- Installation
- Classes
- Helper Functions
- double_click.utils.echo
- double_click.utils.display_version
- double_click.utils.update_package
- double_click.utils.ensure_latest_package
- double_click.request.is_valid_url
- double_click.markdown.generate_md_table_str
- double_click.markdown.double_click.utils.generate_md_bullet_str
- double_click.markdown.double_click.utils.generate_md_code_str
- Create a virtual environment with python 3.7+
pip3 install double_click
A base class meant to represent a single user, their permissions, and attributes available via User.access
Typically used by double_click.request.UserSession
but can be used as a standalone class.
Required overrides:
authenticate() -> dict
must be implemented for any child class being used by a UserSession
The dict representation of a user.
structure matters, it will impact the response of ActiveUser.has_access
This allows dynamic resolution to help support as many authorization models as possible including RBAC and ABAC.
For example, the way you would auth using permissions is different in these two access_dict structures:
dict(service=dict(svc_name=dict(list(roles), list(permissions))))
Retrieves the attr value from the instance of the class, setting default if not exists.
# Example
from double_click import User
class GoogleUser(User):
def authenticate(self, **kwargs):
return {}
google_user = GoogleUser(username='TestUser')
google_user.api_key # Throws attribute error
google_user.get('api_key') # Returns None
google_user.get('api_key', 'ABC') # Returns ABC
google_user.api_key # Returns ABC
Used to determine if a user has the ability to access a resource based on the provided arguments. For custom auth, override or overload this method.
can be a list of whatever you want from the service, role, permission, etc.
The preceding key must be passed so if user permissions look like dict(service=dict(svc_name=dict(list(roles), list(permissions)))) the service name must be provided when passing a list of permissions, not just the permissions.
# Example
from double_click import User
class GoogleUser(User):
def authenticate(self, **kwargs):
return {}
access = dict(service=dict(Photos=dict(permissions=['Create', 'View', 'List'], roles=['Manager'])))
google_user = GoogleUser(username='TestUser', access=access)
print(google_user.has_access(service='Photos')) # True
print(google_user.has_access(requires=['View'], service='Photos')) # True
print(google_user.has_access(requires=['Manager'], service='Photos')) # True
print(google_user.has_access(requires=['View', 'Update'], service='Photos')) # True
print(google_user.has_access(requires=['View', 'List'], match_all=True, service='Photos')) # True
print(google_user.has_access(requires=['View', 'Update'], match_all=True, service='Photos')) # False
print(google_user.has_access(requires=['Manager'])) # False
The negation of User.has_access
Primarily used for click.command(hidden=user.hide())
or click.group(hidden=user.hide())
# Example
from double_click import User
class GoogleUser(User):
def authenticate(self, **kwargs):
return {}
access = dict(service=dict(Photos=dict(permissions=['Create', 'View', 'List'], roles=['Manager'])))
google_user = GoogleUser(username='TestUser', access=access)
print(google_user.hide(service='Photos')) # False
print(google_user.hide(requires=['View'], service='Photos')) # False
print(google_user.hide(requires=['Manager'], service='Photos')) # False
print(google_user.hide(requires=['Update'], service='Photos')) # True
print(google_user.hide(requires=['Admin'], service='Photos')) # True
Called by UserSession.refresh_auth, authenticate retrieves user token/key/etc. and returns the auth header.
Here is an example of how User.authenticate can be leveraged with a login classmethod and file caching (Mac example). On login, a check is done to validate PROFILE_DIR exists. If it does and the token is valid, set the cls obj and return it. If not, authenticate is called. authenticate calls set_user which gets the user access token, and roles which are returned as a dict. authenticate takes the response, storing it in PROFILE_DIR and setting the class attributes.
import json
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
import requests
from double_click import echo, User
PROFILE_DIR = os.path.join(Path(os.path.getenv('TMPDIR')), 'google_cli/user.json')
class GoogleUser(User):
password: str
def login(cls, username: str = None, password: str = None, **kwargs):
"""Used by Session and reset password. Check file cache, if empty or expired, get updated token and access.
google_usr = cls(username=username, password=password, **kwargs)
if os.path.exists(PROFILE_DIR):
min_age = dt.now() - timedelta(minutes=10)
filetime = dt.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(PROFILE_DIR))
with open(PROFILE_DIR) as config:
credentials = json.loads(config.read())
if filetime > min_age:
google_usr.access = dict(service=credentials.pop('roles'))
for key, value in credentials.items():
setattr(google_usr, key, value)
google_usr.username = credentials.pop('username', username)
google_usr.password = credentials.pop('password', password)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
echo(f'Profile format invalid. Defaulting to {username}')
return google_usr
return google_usr
def get_user(username: str, password: str) -> dict:
"""Retrieve user access token and roles.
:param username:
:param password:
:return dict:
credentials = {
"username": username,
"password": password
response = requests.post(url='https://google.com/login', json=credentials)
if response.status_code == 200:
credentials['access_token'] = response.json().get('access_token')
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {credentials.get("access_token")}'}
profile = requests.get(url='https://google.com/profile', headers=headers).json()
credentials['roles'] = profile.get('roles', {})
return credentials
def authenticate(self):
"""Store self.get_user response and set each key/value as class attributes
if self.username and self.password:
credentials = self.get_user(self.username, self.password)
with open(PROFILE_DIR, 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(credentials, indent=4))
self.access = credentials.pop('roles', {})
for key, value in credentials.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
return {'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.get("access_token")}'}
A base class that inherits from requests.Session with async methods and other features useful when working within a CLI.
Among those changes:
- bulk_get
- bulk_put
- bulk_patch
- bulk_post
- bulk_delete
requests come with a progress bar out of the box- A url validator is done before the request, raising a ValueError if invalid.
- If
method is overridden session auth is updated when a 401 response is returned - GeneralSession catches requests exceptions to provide a consistent process to handle and display errors.
- A Response object is created
- Response()._content = str(exception)
- Response().request_kwargs = request_kwargs
- Response().status_code = 666
- Response().url = url
Optional attributes can be set from the child class definition or when creating the instance:
- raise_exception = False # If True, exceptions will raise instead of being mapped to Response object
- disable_progress_bar = False # If True, no progress bar will be displayed on async requests
- progress_bar_color = 'green_3a' # Change this for a different color on the progress bar
- max_concurrency = 500 # Sets the max number of requests to run concurrently for any bulk method.
GeneralSession().bulk_*(request_list: list, loop=asyncio.get_event_loop(), **kwargs) -> list(requests.Response)
get, put, patch, post, and delete all have a bulk call.
The bulk methods take a list of requests and runs them asynchronously.
is also supported on the method call e.g. session.bulk_get(request_list, disable_progress_bar=True)
By default bulk methods use asyncio.get_event_loop() but a custom event loop can be passed using loop.
request_list is able to resolve a variety of formats, including the following examples. Notice that request kwargs are passed as a dict.
from double_click import GeneralSession
from double_click.request import RequestObject
basic_session = GeneralSession()
response_list = basic_session.bulk_get(request_list=['https://github.com', 'https://google.com', 'https://pypi.org'])
response_list = basic_session.bulk_get(request_list=[['https://github.com'], ['https://google.com'], ['https://pypi.org']])
response_list = basic_session.bulk_get(request_list=[['https://github.com', dict(params=dict(page=1))], ['https://google.com', dict(params=dict(page=1))], ['https://pypi.org', dict(params=dict(page=1))]])
response_list = basic_session.bulk_get(request_list=[dict(url='https://github.com', params=dict(page=1)), dict(url='https://google.com', params=dict(page=1)), dict(url='https://pypi.org', params=dict(page=1))])
response_list = basic_session.bulk_get(request_list=[RequestObject(url='https://github.com', request_kwargs=dict(params=dict(page=1))), RequestObject(url='https://google.com', request_kwargs=dict(params=dict(page=1))), RequestObject(url='https://pypi.org', request_kwargs=dict(params=dict(page=1)))])
A base class that inherits from GeneralSession with double_click.User
The child class definition must include user
. The user
value should be of type double_click.User
By default, refresh_auth updates the object's headers using the value returned by user.authenticate
To override this behavior:
from double_click import UserSession
class CustomUserSession(UserSession):
def refresh_auth(self):
# Do something else instead of this:
Used by Model
to auth user in Model.refresh
before making API request.
Not a replacement for actual auth on the backend!
# Example
from double_click import Model, ModelAuth
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
_auth = ModelAuth(requires=['View', 'List'], match_all=True, service='Home')
Base class that acts as a pseudo ORM for data returned from one or more responses from an API endpoint. Provides optional mechanisms for caching response data that will be used for any objects_* calls while the cache is still valid.
Required overrides:
_url: str
_obj_identifier: any
Optional overrides:
_session: GeneralSession = None
_ttl = 120 # Default behavior is to expect int but this can be changed. See Model._cache_set
_auth: ModelAuth = ModelAuth(None, False)
# Example
from double_click import Model
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
Property that returns the dict representation of a Model instance.
If as_dict is False, returns list of the Model objects, otherwise a list of dict(obj_identifier=obj_as_dict).
# Example
from double_click import Model
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
api_response = {
"front_porch": dict(id=1, name='front_porch', commands=['on', 'off']),
"tv": dict(id=2, name='tv', commands=['on', 'off']),
smart_devices = SmartDevice.objects_all()
print([smart_device.commands for smart_device in smart_devices])
smart_devices = SmartDevice.objects_all(as_dict=True)
print([smart_device.get('commands') for _, smart_device in smart_devices.items()])
Classmethod that returns a Model instance representing the object matching that key.
# Example
from double_click import Model
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
api_response = {
"front_porch": dict(id=1, name='front_porch', commands=['on', 'off']),
"tv": dict(id=2, name='tv', commands=['on', 'off']),
smart_device = SmartDevice.objects_get('tv')
print(smart_device.id) # 2
print(smart_device.as_dict) # dict(id=2, name='tv', commands=['on', 'off'])
smart_device = SmartDevice.objects_get('front_porch')
print(smart_device.id) # 1
Classmethod that returns the list of keys. When calling Model.objects_all(as_dict=True)
Typically used to pass into click.Choice like click.Choice(Model.objects_keys())
# Example
from double_click import Model
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
api_response = {
"front_porch": dict(id=1, name='front_porch', commands=['on', 'off']),
"tv": dict(id=2, name='tv', commands=['on', 'off']),
print(SmartDevice.objects_identifier()) # ['front_porch', 'tv']
Called by Model.refresh if _cache_key is not None. Protected method that sets cache content. The purpose making this a dedicated method is to allow for custom caching.
For example, say we wanted to store the cached model in a local redis instance instead of TMP. The override below will now write to redis and sets the ttl = _ttl * 60 so ttl is still represented as minutes.:
# Example
import json
from double_click import Model
from redis import Redis
REDIS = Redis()
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
_cache_key = 'google:home:smart_device'
def _cache_set(self, content):
REDIS.set(json.dumps(content), ttl=self._ttl * 60)
Protected method called by objects_all to attempt a cached return before calling _api_retrieve.
Similar to _cache_set, _cache_retrieve also needs to be overridden when using a custom cache.
# Example
import json
from double_click import Model
from redis import Redis
REDIS = Redis()
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
_cache_key = 'google:home:smart_device'
def _cache_set(self, content):
REDIS.set(self._cache_key, json.dumps(content), ttl=self._ttl * 60)
def _cache_get(self):
content = REDIS.get(self._cache_key)
return json.loads(content) if content else None
The _api_get method is responsible for making the http request and returning its response.
The default behavior expects a list response from the API with the following keys:
- results: list
- count: int
It will take this content and retrieve any additional pages via async requests. For this reason, the default behavior may not be recommended for endpoints with a large number responses or large response objects.
To override Model._api_retrieve():
# Example
from double_click import Model
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
def _api_retrieve(self) -> list:
response = self._session.get(self._url)
return response.json() if response.status_code == 200 else []
Retrieves the attr value from the instance of the class, setting default if not exists.
# Example
from double_click import Model
class SmartDevice(Model):
_url = 'https://developers.google.com/home'
_obj_identifier = 'name'
api_response = {
"front_porch": dict(id=1, name='front_porch', commands=['on', 'off']),
"tv": dict(id=2, name='tv', commands=['on', 'off']),
smart_device = SmartDevice.objects_get('tv')
smart_device.commands # Returns ['on', 'off']
smart_device.alias # Throws attribute error
smart_device.get('alias') # Returns None
smart_device.get('alias', 'Living Room TV') # Returns Living Room TV
smart_device.alias # Returns Living Room TV
Formats and displays the provided output.
Accepts every commonly used object or structure the echo function can:
- Resolve a requests.Response object to pp json or the response text depending on the response status code
- Pretty print a dict or list of dicts
- Display a string as markdown in the CLI
if str.startswith('#')
- Display all other as the output's
- output -
list(dict()) or dict() or Response or md str or output's __repr__ value
Content to print to CLI
Retrieves the md file for the provided package and displays it as markdown in the terminal.
Can be used to expose a command to manually update the package as a command from the CLI.
- force - (default False) If True, will reinstall the package
- pip_args - Pass arguments to pip command e.g.
['--extra-index-url', 'https://artifactory.com/api/pypi/simple']
double_click.utils.ensure_latest_package(package_name: str, pip_args: list = [], md_file: str = 'VERSION.md')
Checks that the latest version of the CLI is running. If not upgrades the package and displays the release note for the latest using the md_file.
Uses a regex to check if a URL is valid.
requests expects a URL to be prefixed with either http:// or https:// For this reason, is_valid_url's regex has the same requirement.
- url
- raises If True, the exception is raised. Else, return False if url invalid
Creates a markdown table returned as a str.
- row_list -
A list with each element representing a row in the table - headers -
List of the column headers
Creates a markdown bullet list returned as a str.
- bullet_list -
List of strings, each string represented as a bullet
Generates an indentation based code block with a description header with markdown formatting returned as a str.
- code_snippet -
Content to display as code - description - (Optional)
Code snippet header. Default: Snippet