Windows batch file to build Lua from source. Simply place the ./etc/winmake.bat
in your downloaded and unpacked Lua source folder (in a /etc/
subfolder). And run it from the
root folder to build Lua (eg. etc\winmake /help
Make sure that your compiler is in your system path before running it. For the Microsoft toolchains you can use their commandshell. The TDM release also has a shell available for 32 and 64 bit.
NOTE: if you're interested in a more complete Lua setup, checkout luawinmulti, which builds on top of luawinmake.
If all you need is a quick Windows binary, then checkout the CI build artifacts. Select the version you need and download the archive from the artifacts.
etc\winmake /help
displays usage infoetc\winmake
builds the Lua installationetc\winmake <toolchain>
builds using the specified toolchain, skips auto detectionetc\winmake clean
cleans the (intermediate) build resultsetc\winmake local
installs the build Lua version in.\local\
etc\winmake localv
installs the build Lua version in.\local\
in a versioned manneretc\winmake install <path>
installs the build Lua version in<path>
etc\winmake install <path>
installs the build Lua version in<path>
in a versioned manner
Available flags;
When building, this will disable all compatibilty flags (otherwise default flags same as the MinGW make file will be used)
Installing creates a structure similar to the standard Lua MinGW install;
+-- bin
+-- include
+-- lib
| +-- lua
| +-- <LuaVersion>
+-- man
| +-- man1
+-- share
+-- lua
+-- <LuaVersion>
The localv
and installv
commands create versioned installations, with the following differences;
+-- bin --> eg. contains lua52.exe and luac52.exe
+-- include
| +-- lua
| +-- <LuaVersion> --> containing the header files
+-- lib
| +-- lua
| +-- <LuaVersion>
+-- man
| +-- man1
+-- share
+-- lua
+-- <LuaVersion>
It auto detects the Lua version from the source code. It was tested with;
- 5.1
- 5.2
- 5.3
Lua is build with the default compatibility options (mimics the unix makefiles for each
of the Lua versions listed above). Unless the --nocompat
flag is used.
It supports MS and GCC based compilers (autodetects; uses the first one found in the system path), and was tested with;
- Win7 SDK
- Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015
- MinGW
- TDM32
- TDM64
- The Lua team for a great language
- @ignacio for testing various Visual Studio builds