- pandas
- matlibplot
- xml
- smopy
- sklearn
- Download check-ins data from Foursquare.
- 01_data_insight.py
- Extract all venueCategory
- Count user venueCategory visit frequency.
- Download official venue category from Foursquare.
- 02_categroy_extract.py
- Extract category from html file.
- Map all venueCategory in check-ins to the parent category
- If cannot find in official category, then manual input
- 03_user_loc_cate_mapping
- aggrate user check-in behaviou on venue categories
- 04_food_location
- Select out the venues with parent categroy 'Food'
- Manually add a self-defined tag to each food venue type
- 05_visualisation and 06_recommend
- test the result of training
- visualise results
- visualisation and recommender
- classes and functions for visualise multilayer network
- recommender will use one user id and a location to recommend a list food venues
- test_recommender
- select user Id
- select one living-community location and one out-of-living-community location
- fit into recommender
- plot results in map