WCR Studios
- NJ
- about.me/wrenbjor
open-source framework for creating and managing simulations populated with AI-powered agents. It provides an intuitive platform for designing complex, interactive environments where agents can act,…
React Bootstrap with Material Design - Powerful and free UI KIT
This is the very first attempt to create a refreshable braille display with JavaScript and Arduino
Wrenbjor / bootstrap
Forked from twbs/bootstrapHTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter
Wrenbjor / P21
Forked from ryancramerdesign/ProcessWireProcessWire 2.1 stable. PHP 5 based content management framework. This is the current production version.
Wrenbjor / Lungo.js
Forked from tapquo/Lungo.jsHTML5 Mobile Framework... and stuff.
A framework for developers who want to design, build and share cross device applications.
Wrenbjor / d3-1
Forked from d3/d3A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
Simple Server Status
jlong / sass-bootstrap-defunct
Forked from twbs/bootstrapThis project has been superceeded by an official Bootstrap Sass port. Please use:
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Wrenbjor / Log.io
Forked from NarrativeScience-old/log.ioReal-time log monitoring in your browser
Real-time log monitoring in your browser
Our repository has moved to https://github.com/processwire – please head there for the latest version.
Wrenbjor / kohana
Forked from kohana/kohanaBasic application with official modules included
A simple PHP MVC framework utilizing jQuery Mobile.
a graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery
A simple PHP MVC framework utilizing jQuery Mobile.
Wrenbjor / graph.tk
Forked from aantthony/graph.tkJavascript Graphing Utility using HTML 5 Canvas
webmademovies / popcorn-js
Forked from mozilla/popcorn-jsHTML5 Video Element
A PHP Class that uses PDO to connect to a MySQL Database and some basic helper functions
A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.
Javascript Graphing Utility using HTML 5 Canvas
Wrenbjor / html5demos
Forked from remy/html5demosCollection of hacks and demos showing capability of HTML5 apps
Android app that converts Unix timestamps to and from human readable time.