Packiffer is a packet sniffer program for Unix-like Operating Systems that capture TCP and UDP packets on two different interfaces. each capture runs on its own thread and each thread dump captured traffic in a separate file in 'pcap' format in program directory. captured files are named as interfaces names and interfaces are not in promiscuous mode.
# git clone
# cd packiffer
# make
# ./packiffer -t [tcp interface] -u [udp interface] -c [number of packets to capture]
# gcc -pthread -o packiffer packiffer.c -lpcap
# ./packiffer -t [tcp interface] -u [udp interface] -c [number of packets to capture]
note that you can compile program with clang on FreeBSD.
# clang -pthread -o packiffer packiffer.c -lpcap
gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` -pthread -o packiffergui packiffergui.c `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` -lpcap
# apt-get install libpcap-dev
# dnf install libpcap-dev
# cd /usr/ports/net/libpcap/ && make install clean
# pkg install libpcap
below command lists all of available interfaces.
$ ifconfig -a
# ./packiffer -t eth0 -u eth1 -c 1000
vim, gcc, clang, valgrind, gtk+, libpcap, GNU/Linux and FreeBSD.
Under Development !