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Tags: WyriHaximus/event-loop



Fix 100% cpu usage for idle StreamSelectLoop with no timers.

A null timeout must not be multiplied by an integer.
Fixes reactphp#275



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
Miscellaneous `ExtEventLoop` stuff.

* Added `ExtEventLoop` to the event-loop readme file
* Added `ext-event` to composer suggestions
* Added messages to composer suggestions (suggest doesn't use version constraints)


Merge branch 'refs/heads/nonblocking-streamselectloop'


[EventLoop][LibEv] Let stream remove event listener


Update references to 0.3, update lock file


[EventLoop] Fix timers when using libevent-based loop.

Since a closure cannot destroy itself from inside its body, to prevent
PHP from raising the fatal error "Cannot destroy active lambda function"
when cancelling a periodic timer from inside its callback we previously
tried to postpone the call to event_free() on the affected libevent
timer resource at a later stage by queueing up timer resources to be
freed. This approach was quite awkward and eventually lead to complex
code, difficult to test and with other unexpected side effects such as
memory leaks in a couple of corner cases.

This new fix greatly reduces code complexity and makes it possible to
free up timer resources immediatly when cancelling a timer: we simply
keep a reference of our internal timer callback from inside itself so
that its refcount is still > 1 when calling event_free(), effectively
preventing PHP's garbage collector to kick in when the closure is
still active.


Merge branch 'refs/heads/loop-run-tests'



Merge branch 'master' into loop-libev

* master:
  Fix CHANGELOG indentation
  Fix branch aliases of subtree splits to be 0.2-dev
  [Http] Correctly emit end event for Request
  [Http] Correctly emit close event in response
  Add guzzle deps update to CHANGELOG
  Update guzzle dependencies to 3.0.*
  [Http] Make response forward drain events from the connection
  Rename $resolver to $dns in examples
  Add new test-memory script that only tests the loop



Bump branch-alias to 0.2


[Stream] Bug fix: multiple inheritence

Added PHP 5.3.3 to Travis as there was a BC break in PHP ~5.3.8
Took the close method out of Read/Write interfaces into its own
Updated composer files to v0.1.1 tag