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Preview of GitHub Dark


  1. Install Stylus for Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Cascadea for Safari.
  2. Install github-dark.user.css.

Additional Userstyles

⚙️ GitHub Custom Fonts
⚙️ GitHub Blog Dark
⚙️ GitHub Code Wrap
⚙️ GitHub Commit Limit
⚙️ GitHub Community Dark - Now part of Discourse Dark
⚙️ GitHub Compact Feed
⚙️ GitHub Dark Calendar Color Customizer
⚙️ GitHub Dark Diff Color Customizer
⚙️ GitHub Dark Element Borders
⚙️ GitHub Dark IMG Background Color
⚙️ GitHub Feed Icons
⚙️ GitHub FixedHeader
⚙️ GitHub Selected Tab Color
⚙️ GitHub Sticky Sidebar
⚙️ GitHub Tab Size
⚙️ GitHub Custom Border Radii
⚙️ GitHub Dark Custom Blame usercss
⚙️ GitHub Upstream BugFixes usercss
⚙️ Overlay Scrollbars

Supported GitHub Extensions

💾 Gitako
💾 GitHub Hovercard
💾 GitHub Notifications Dropdown
💾 GitHub Polls
💾 Lovely forks
💾 Notifications Preview for GitHub
💾 npm-hub
💾 OctoLinker
💾 Octotree
💾 Refined GitHub
💾 Sourcegraph Browser Extension
💾 ZenHub

Available Syntax Highlighting Themes (Demo)

Theme GitHub CodeMirror Jupyter
Ambiance ✔️ ✔️
Base16 Ocean Dark ✔️ ✔️
Chaos ✔️
Clouds Midnight ✔️
Cobalt ✔️ ✔️
Dracula ✔️ ✔️
GitHub Dark ✔️ ✔️
Idle Fingers ✔️ ✔️
Kr Theme ✔️
Material 🚧 ✔️
Merbivore ✔️
Merbivore Soft ✔️
Mono Industrial ✔️
Mono Industrial Clear ✔️
Monokai ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Monokai Spacegray Eighties ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Obsidian ✔️ ✔️
One Dark ✔️ ✔️
Pastel on Dark ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Railscasts ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Solarized Dark ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Terminal ✔️
Tomorrow Night ✔️ ✔️
Tomorrow Night Blue ✔️ ✔️
Tomorrow Night Bright ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Tomorrow Night Eighties ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Twilight (default) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Vibrant Ink ✔️ ✔️
  • Support for Codemirror and Jupyter notebook syntax highlighting themes as listed above.
  • Please provide a pull request if you have or want to create a missing theme, or help complete the theme(s) designated with a construction symbol (🚧).

Contributions and Development

If you would like to contribute to this repository, please...

  1. fork Fork
  2. Make sure you have these installed:
  • node: version 12 or greater
  • yarn: version 1
  • make: available with UNIX-like OS, on Windows you can use this

Then run make deps to install dependencies.

⚠️ Do not edit the github-dark.user.css file. All changes are lost on make build

Auto-generated CSS

Contributing e.g. unstyled items, sources, extensions, etc. to name a few.

See and edit the respective files in /src/gen/ then run make build install to rebuild and reinstall the style, then test your fixes and send a pull request.

Manual override entries

Manual overrides to e.g. generated content or inline HTML styles to name a few.

See and edit respective files in src then run make build install to rebuild and reinstall the style, then test your fixes and send a pull request.

Make targets

  • make deps: Install development dependencies into Github Dark/node_modules
  • make build: Build github-dark.user.css
  • make install: Install github-dark.user.css
  • make lint: Run linters
  • make clean: Format source files

Lesser used targets include:

  • make authors: Regenerate the AUTHORS file based on git history
  • make update: Update dependencies
  • make: Alias for make build

Internal use only targets include:

  • make patch: Increment the patch version, create a commit and push it
  • make minor: Increment the minor version, create a commit and push it
  • make major: Increment the major version, create a commit and push it


  • If you're using a custom domain for GitHub Enterprise, be sure to include it through a @-moz-document rule (Firefox) or add it to the Applies to section in (Chrome).

Thanks to all our contributors so far! And thanks for the shoutout on the JS Party podcast!

⬆️ UP


No packages published


  • CSS 62.4%
  • HTML 33.3%
  • JavaScript 4.1%
  • Other 0.2%