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Match hand gesture for Apple Vision Pro, Test Hand Tracking on simulator


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Swift Package Manager compatible Swift 5.9 Swift 5.9


old version

HandVector calculates the similarity between different static gestures on visionOS and comes with a macOS utility class that allows you to use gesture tracking in the visionOS simulator as well.

HandVector version 2.0 is a major update, bringing the improved Cosine Similarity and the FingerShape feature for easier customization.

Note: HandVector 2.0 has significant API changes and is not compatible with older versions.



  • visionOS 1.0+
  • Xcode 15.2+
  • Swift 5.9+


HandVector 2.0 supports two kinds of gesture matching methods, which differ in their calculation principles and are suitable for different scenarios. They can also be mixed used together in a project:

  • Cosine Similarity: This method matches each joint of the specified fingers precisely, using the matrix information of each joint relative to its parent joint, resulting in high accuracy. Advantages: High precision, applicable to fingers and wrists; Disadvantages: Poor interpretability, difficult to adjust the range.
  • FingerShape: Referencing Unity's XRHands framework, this method simplifies the finger shape into five parameters: baseCurl (curl at the base of the finger), tipCurl (curl at the tip of the finger), fullCurl (overall curl of the finger), pinch (distance of pinching with the thumb), and spread (degree of separation from the adjacent outer finger). Advantages: The values are easy to understand and convenient to control and adjust; Disadvantages: Does not fully utilize joint pose information, thus not as precise, and is only applicable to five fingers.

This upgrade also includes a reorganization of the file structure, with some classes and structures being renamed for clearer functionality. Therefore, it is not compatible with the previous major version API.


1. Cosine Similarity Gesture Matching

HandVector supports matching built-in gestures as well as recording and saving custom gestures for later use. Currently, there are 8 built-in gestures: 👆✌️✋👌✊🤘🤙🫱🏿‍🫲🏻

🫱🏿‍🫲🏻: Grab, grasp

a. Matching Built-in Gestures


import HandVector

//Get current Hand info from `HandTrackingProvider` , and convert to `HVHandInfo`

for await update in handTracking.anchorUpdates {

  switch update.event {

  case .added, .updated:

    let anchor = update.anchor

    guard anchor.isTracked else { continue }

    let handInfo = latestHandTracking.generateHandInfo(from: anchor)

  case .removed:




//Load built-in gesture from json file

let builtinHands = HVHandInfo.builtinHandInfo

//Calculate the similarity with the built-in gestures, `.fiveFingers` indicates matching only the 5 fingers, ignoring the wrist and palm.

builtinHands.forEach { (key, value) in

  leftScores[key] = latestHandTracking.leftHandVector?.similarity(of: .fiveFingers, to: value)

  rightScores[key] = latestHandTracking.rightHandVector?.similarity(of: .fiveFingers, to: value)


the score should be in [-1.0,1.0], 1.0 means fully matched and both are left or right hands, -1.0 means fully matched but one is left hand, another is right hand, and 0 means not matched.

b. Record custom gesture and match it


Record a custom gesture and save it as a JSON string using HVHandJsonModel:

if let left = model.latestHandTracking.leftHandVector {

  let para = HVHandJsonModel.generateJsonModel(name: "YourHand", handVector: left)

  jsonString = para.toJson()

  //Save jsonString to disk or network



Next, convert the saved JSON string into the HVHandInfo type for gesture matching:

//Convert from JSON string

let handInfo = jsonStr.toModel(HVHandJsonModel.self)!.convertToHVHandInfo()

//Load JSON file from disk, and convert

let handInfo = HVHandJsonModel.loadHandJsonModel(fileName: "YourJsonFileName")!.convertToHVHandInfo()

//Using the `HVHandInfo` type for gesture matching allows you to calculate the similarity for each finger individually.

if let handInfo {

  averageAndEachLeftScores = latestHandTracking.leftHandVector?.averageAndEachSimilarities(of: .fiveFingers, to: recordHand)

  averageAndEachRightScores = latestHandTracking.rightHandVector?.averageAndEachSimilarities(of: .fiveFingers, to: recordHand)


2.Finger Shape Parameter


This method draws significant reference from the well-known XR gesture framework in Unity: XRHands.


The definitions of the related parameters are similar:

  • baseCurl: The degree of curl at the root joint of the finger. For the thumb, it is the IntermediateBase joint, and for the other fingers, it is the Knuckle joint, with a range of 0 to 1.


  • tipCurl:The degree of curl at the upper joint of the finger. For the thumb, it is the IntermediateTip joint, and for the other fingers, it is the average value of the IntermediateBase and IntermediateTip joints, with a range of 0 to 1.


  • fullCurl:The average value of baseCurl and tipCurl, with a range of 0 to 1.


  • pinch:The distance from the tip of the thumb, with a range of 0 to 1. For the thumb, this parameter is nil.


  • spread:Only the horizontal spread angle is calculated, with a range of 0 to 1. For the little finger, this parameter is nil.


Regarding the differences between the three types of curl degrees, you can refer to the following image:


3. Test hand gesture on Mac simulator

The test method ofHandVector is inspired by VisionOS Simulator hands, it allow you to test hand tracking on visionOS simulator:

It uses 2 things:

  1. A macOS helper app, with a bonjour service
  2. A Swift class for your VisionOS project which connects to the bonjour service (It comes with this package, and automatically receives and converts to the corresponding gesture; HandVector 2.0 version has updated mathematical "black magic" to achieve the new matching algorithm.)

macOS Helper App

The helper app uses Google MediaPipes for 3D hand tracking. This is a very basic setup - it uses a WKWebView to run the Google sample code, and that passed the hand data as JSON into native Swift.

The Swift code then spits out the JSON over a Bonjour service.

If hand tracking can't start for a long time(Start button still can't be pressed), please check your network to google MediaPipes.

And many more...

To go further, take a look at the documentation and the demo project.

Note: All contributions are welcome


Swift Package Manager

To integrate using Apple's Swift package manager, without Xcode integration, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0"))


Download the project and copy the HandVector folder into your project to use it.


Contributions are welcomed and encouraged .


Xander: API 搬运工


HandVector is released under an MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Match hand gesture for Apple Vision Pro, Test Hand Tracking on simulator







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