A tool to earn time at each
At each call, the tool performs:
$ git add -A
# or --updated if you use the `-u` option
$ git commit -m "<MESSAGE>"
# we can add the option `-s` to use commit signature
$ git tag -a <TAG_NAME> -m "<MESSAGE>"
# if you use `-t <NAME>`
$ git push
# only if you don't use `-l`, follows tags if selected
You can add -v
to enable verbose at each step.
$ gsync help
A simple tool to use `git` with ease.
Written in Rust.
Usage: gsync [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
build Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
chore Updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change
ci Changes on the CI/CD pipeline or other DevOps tools
docs Changes to the documentation
feat New feature for the user, not a new feature for build script
fix Bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script
perf A new performance improvement
refactor Refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable
style Formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change
test Adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-t, --tag <TAG> Tag to assign at the commit
-l, --local If used, the commit won't be pushed, only committed
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode
-u, --updated Add only the updated files
-s, --sign Sign the commit
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
gsync "My commit message"
gsync -uvlt v1.0.0 "My commit message"
git clone https://github.com/Xavier2p/gitsync.git && cd gitsync
cargo install --path .
This project is under the MIT License.
© Xavier2p