- 该工程是从原作者提供的仓库拷贝过来的,非本人创作。因为原地址是用的 “Gitlab at Inria” 平台,不好登录注册,所以想弄到github平台上,方便管理
- 原仓库地址: https://gitlab.inria.fr/tangram/oa-slam
- 原论文地址: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.08338.pdf
Associated Publication:
- OA-SLAM: Leveraging Objects for Camera Relocalization in Visual SLAM. Matthieu Zins, Gilles Simon, Marie-Odile Berger, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2022). Paper
- Pangolin for visualization and user interface.
- OpenCV to manipulate images and features.
- Eigen3 for linear algebra.
- Dlib for the Hungarian algorithm.
- Protocol Buffers for Osmap.
Included in the Thirdparty folder:
- DBoW2 for place recognition.
- g2o for graph-based non-linear optimization.
- JSON for I/O json files.
- Osmap for map saving/loading. Modified version to handle objects.
Clone the repository recursively:
git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/tangram/oa-slam OA-SLAM --recursive
Build the Thirdparty libraries:
sh build_Thirdparty.sh
Generate files for Osmap:
sh generate_files_Osmap.sh
Build OA-SLAM:
sh build.sh
Some test sequences are available in the TUM-RGB dataset. In particular, we use the fr2/desk scene.
Sample data of our custom scenes are available at: https://bul.univ-lorraine.fr/index.php/s/R3rkMXMiCHaMwWx
Our system takes object detections as input. We provide detections in JSON files for the sample data and for fr2/desk in the Data folder. They can be obtained from any object detector. We used an off-the-shel version of Yolov5 for our custom scene and a fine-tuned version for fr2/desk.
The camera parameters for the sample data are available in Cameras/MI9T_640x360_0.6.yaml. The parameters for fr2/desk are in Cameras/TUM2.yaml.
OA-SLAM includes a map viewer, an image viewer and a AR viewer.
path_to_image_sequence (.txt file listing the images or a folder with rgb.txt)
relocalization_mode ('points', 'objects' or 'points+objects')
show_AR_viewer (0 or 1)
Example to run OA-SLAM on the scene Table:
./oa-slam ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ../Cameras/MI9T_640x360_0.6.yaml ../Data/sink_21/frames/ ../Data/detections_yolov5_sink_21.json points+objects sink 1
Example to run OA-SLAM on the scene Sink:
./oa-slam ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ../Cameras/MI9T_640x360_0.6.yaml ../Data/sink_21/frames/ ../Data/detections_yolov5_sink_21.json points+objects sink 1
Example to run OA-SLAM on the scene fr2/desk:
./oa-slam ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ../Cameras/TUM2.yaml ../Data/rgbd_dataset_freiburg2_desk/rgb.txt ../Data/detections_yolov5_tum_rgbd_fr2_desk.json points+objects fr2 1
This mode can be used when you have a good map of your working area. In this mode the Point and Object Mapping is deactivated. The system localizes and track the camera in the map, using relocalization if needed. It is possible to force relocalization on each frame by setting 'force_relocalization_on_each_frame' to 1.
path_to_image_sequence (.txt file listing the images or a folder with rgb.txt)
map_file (.yaml)
relocalization_mode ('points', 'objects' or 'points+objects')
show_AR_viewer (0 or 1)
force_relocalization_on_each_frame (0 or 1)
Example to run OA-SLAM in Localization mode on an existing map of the scene Table (pre-built from the image sequence table_6):
./oa-slam_localization ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ../Cameras/MI9T_640x360_0.6.yaml ../Data/table_9/frames/ ../Data/detections_yolov5_table_9.json ../Data/table_6_map/map_table.yaml points+objects table_reloc 1 0
Example to run OA-SLAM in Localization mode on an existing map of the scene Sink (pre-built from the image sequence sink_13):
./oa-slam_localization ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ../Cameras/MI9T_640x360_0.6.yaml ../Data/sink_18/frames/ ../Data/detections_yolov5_sink_18.json ../Data/sink_13_map/map_sink.yaml points+objects sink_reloc 1 0
For both examples, you can check that relocalization fails when only points are used.
OA-SLAM is released under a GPLv3 license. The code is based on ORB-SLAM2.