This is the resource repository for the course Distributed System, Fall 2017, CS@NJU.
In Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, you should primarily focus on /src/raft/...
Edit PATH variable and project GOPATH:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export GOPATH=/home/hxt/NJU-DisSys-2017
go test -run Election
go test -run FailNoAgree
go test -run ConcurrentStarts
go test -run Rejoin
go test -run Backup
go test -run Persist1
go test -run Persist2
go test -run Persist3
go test -run Election
go test -run FailNoAgree
go test -run ConcurrentStarts
go test -run Rejoin
go test -run Backup
go test -run Persist1
go test -run Persist2
go test -run Persist3
- sworduo/MIT6.824.git
- D0ub1ePieR/Distrubted-system-raft.git