Type (类型):公众号
Audiences (受众/服务对象):审核人(拟定:医生)
Key Features (主要功能):
- 筛选搜索(按日历)预约的转诊记录
- 更新/维护转诊记录
- 查看对应检查及报告
- git (v2.2+)
- node.js (v10.0+)
- npm (v6.0+)
- yarn (v1.22.10+)
- TypeScript(V3.7.4+)
- Express(v4.17.1+)
- Sass
- Pug(V2.0.4+)
- One Step:
yarn install
Install all dependencies; - Scripts:
- "dev": Run the APP with watch mode, will auto restart if change files; // 以监视模式运行APP,如果更改文件,它将自动重启;(运行本地mock数据)
- "dev-with-backend": "npm run build && npm run watch-b" // 与后端联调(http://retina.voxelcloud.net.cn)
- "start": "npm run build && npm run nodemon", // 生产环境启动脚本
- "build": Build the final export files in
; // 在./dist
- Config files:
- devServer.js: LocaL dev server with express. // 本地开发环境启动配置;
- tsconfig.json: The compilation configuration of the typescript. // type script的编译配置;
- copyStaticAssets.ts: Organize the fianl exprot files // 手动整理最终输出文件;
- mockServer.ts: Simulate the back-end environment // 模拟后端API, 返回本地mock数据
- dist (Final Compilation Folder) // 最终编译目录
- src (Main Folder) // 主文件目录
- views (the main viewers of the APP) // 主界面, 页面目录
- images (image, icon, font) // 图片目录(图片)
- css (styles) // 样式目录(图标, 字体)
- controllers (the controller of each viewer, include event handlers, request, animation, etc) // 个界面的控制器目录(包含:事件维护,请求维护,动画效果等等)
- components (the tempalte, common component) // 通用模板,组件库(将来应共同并入到公司前端组件库)
- mockData // mock server data(json)
- Sui Mobile (http://m.sui.taobao.org/);
- TypeScript: (https://www.typescriptlang.org/index.html)
- Pug: (https://pugjs.org/api/getting-started.html)
- Sass:(https://sass-lang.com/documentation)