A QoE-Oriented Computation Offloading Algorithm based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) | This algorithm captures the dynamics of the MEC environment by integrati…
A journal app to capture your thoughts and track your mood daily.
An open source task manager (todo list) app, developed using Dart language and Flutter framework.
fmdazhar / Carla-RL
Forked from Sentdex/Carla-RLReinforcement Learning codebase for self-driving car in Carla
QECO: A QoE-Oriented Computation Offloading Algorithm based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Edge Computing
multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for networked system control.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Computation Offloading in Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Networks
A Realistic Mobile Edge Computing environment; with conditions for deadline and energy Energy-Constrained
Config files for my GitHub profile.
SPSS R Klassische Testtheorie KTT
psychometrics Klassische Testtheorie (KTT)
qualitative Sozialforschung: Textanalyse durch Sequenzanalyse, Grammatikinduktion, -transduktion, Parsen
A Performance Analysis of the M/M/1/K Queue Model via Discrete Event Simulation with Varied Service Orders
Flappy bird game with javascript and p5.js
A Template for Creating a Full Stack Web Application with React, NPM, Webpack and Python
This repository contain essential networking functionalities—TCP/UDP protocols and ACLs—using the P4 programming language.