A beautifully designed iOS application that allows users to browse and view delicious food recipes. Built using SwiftUI, this app follows best coding practices, including MVVM architecture, structured data handling, and navigation management.
Features Home Screen - Displays a list of recipes with images & descriptions. Recipe Detail Screen - Shows detailed information about a selected recipe. Navigation - Seamless transitions between screens using NavigationView. Dynamic UI - Uses SwiftUI components for a smooth & responsive experience. Data Management - Recipes are structured using Structs & Enums. Styled Components - Custom fonts, colors, and button styles for a premium feel.
UI Preview:
🚀 Technologies Used Swift - Core programming language SwiftUI - For building the user interface Xcode - Development environment NavigationView & NavigationLink - For smooth screen transitions MVVM Architecture
📂 Project Structure
│── Assets.xcassets # Images & Icons
│── Models/ # Data Structures
│── Views/ # UI Screens
│── Utilities/ # Common Utilities
│── DishDashApp.swift # Entry Point
How to Run the Project?
- Clone the Repository git clone https://github.com/Xtatic-13/DishDash.git
- Open in Xcode Open DishDash.xcodeproj in Xcode.
- Run the App
Select an iPhone simulator and click
▶️ Run.
🛠️ Future Enhancements -> Addition of a Favorites Section -> API Integration for real-time recipes -> Support Dark Mode -> Animations & UI Effects Improvement
Contribution Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests! 🚀