This plugin send a message in the chat and in the hud when a player joins and left the server.
No commands.
- sm_scm_join_enable (Default: 1) - Enable/Disable the join message.
- sm_scm_left_enable (Default: 1) - Enable/Disable the left message.
- sm_scm_hud (Default: 1) - Enable/Disable the HUD messages.
- sm_scm_chat (Default: 1) - Enable/Disable the chat messages.
- sm_scm_x (Default: -1.0) - Horizontal Position to show the displayed message (To be centered, set as -1.0).
- sm_scm_y (Default: 0.1) - Vertical Position to show the displayed message (To be centered, set as -1.0).
- sm_scm_holdtime (Default: 2.0) - Time that the message is shown.
- sm_scm_r (Default: 255) - RGB Red Color to the displayed message.
- sm_scm_g (Default: 255) - RGB Green Color to the displayed message.
- sm_scm_b (Default: 255) - RGB Blue Color to the displayed message.
- sm_scm_transparency (Default: 100) - Message Transparency Value.
- sm_scm_effect (Default: 1.0) - 0 - Fade In; 1 - Fade out; 2 - Flash
- sm_scm_effectduration (Default: 0.5) - Duration of the selected effect. Not always aplicable
- sm_scm_fadeinduration (Default: 0.5) - Duration of the selected effect.
- sm_scm_fadeoutduration (Default: 0.5) - Duration of the selected effect.