Use the pandoc command to convert from a markdown file to a PDF file.
This tool uses our favorite settings for layouts, styles, fonts, etc.
You can edit this tool as you wish.
pandoc-from-markdown-to-pdf <args>
Syntax for typical use:
pandoc-from-markdown-to-pdf <> -o <output.pdf>
$ pandoc-from-markdown-to-pdf -o example.pdf
Clone this repo to anywhere you want, and add it to your path, such as:
cd $HOME
git clone
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/pandoc-from-markdown-to-pdf"
This tool is currently tested on macOS Monterey.
If you want to use this tool on other systems, then please contact us, or open an issue, to let us know.
This script requires these prerequisites to be installed:
pandoc document converter
xelatex implementation of LaTex converters
pygments syntax highlighting
Bitstream Vera fonts
If you want a different choices for any of the above, then please contact us or open an issue, to let us know.
Example using brew:
brew install pandoc
brew install mactex
Verify the programs are runnable:
$ which pandoc
$ pandoc --version
$ which xelatex
$ xelatex --version
XeTeX 3.141592653-2.6-0.999993 (TeX Live 2021)
This script uses Bitstream Vera fonts because they are widely available, and use a fair license for this work.
main font: Bitstream Vera Serif
sans font: Bitstream Vera Sans
code font: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
For help with fonts, see the fonts
Thanks to
Thanks to
- Package: pandoc-from-markdown-to-pdf
- Version: 1.0.0
- Created: 2022-03-12T22:05:34Z
- Updated: 2022-09-08T21:42:49Z
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later or contact us for custom license
- Contact: Joel Parker Henderson ([email protected])