This is a open high-throughput organoid dataset for ATP Estimation. All organoids derive from tumour which are cultured in 394-well plate. We take all these image by BioTek Cytation5 cell imaging multi-mode reader.
All users are available to access this dataset by this link.
├─ATP_estimate_1 # group
│ ├─0747-2 # sample batch
│ │ ATP_0747.xlsx # ATP annotation
│ │ ZProj[Stitched[Bright Field]]_C3_1_001.tif # raw organoid image
│ │ ZProj[Stitched[Bright Field]]_C4_1_001.tif
│ │ ...
│ │
│ ├─0752-2
│ ├─0842-2
│ ├─0863-2
│ ├─...
The ATP value corresponding to each image can be found in an Excel sheet based on the image file name. The location of the sample in the 384-well plate can be resolved from the image file name. For example, this file ZProj[Stitched[Bright Field]]_CB_1_001.tif
, the B4
in the file name indicates that the image was sampled from well B4
in a 384-well plate, and the corresponding ATP value of 10889 can be found according to the B4
position in the sheet.
The data are captured by Accurate International Biotechnology (GZ) Co., Ltd, Nanfang Hospital and Southern Medical University. All annotation are created by team of Fujian Key Laboratory of Sensing and Computing for Smart City, Xiamen University. The data is available for free to researchers for non-commercial use.