There are N players, begin a competition round of Goldennum. Every round, every player submits 2 float numbers in the open interval (0, 100) to the server. At the end of the round, the server will calculate the average of the numbers submitted during this round as AVG. Then the Goldennum of the round is calculated as AVG * 0.618. For every submitted number, if it is the closest number to the Goldennum, the submitter gets N-2 points, if it is the furthest number from the Goldennum, the submitter gets -2 points, otherwise, the submitter gets no points. After the rounds ends, player with the most points wins the game.
For players, take a look at our Participation Guide!
For detail, you may refer to the wiki pages.
- Make sure you have
set toon
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
You may need to setup GOPROXY if you live in countries without international network connections.
To set it up, simply run
go env -w GOPROXY=,direct
- Generate resource files
go generate
- Build project
go build
./goldennum -h
Usage of ./goldennum:
-admin string
Admin username. (default "admin")
-base-url string
Base URL. If you are using reverse proxy to redirect "//PUBLIC_HOST/PREFIX/uri" to "//REAL_HOST/url", it should be set to "/PREFIX"
-bind string
Bind address. (default "")
-conf string
Config file path. If set, load config from file instead.
-db-addr string
Mysql server address. (default "localhost:3306")
-db-name string
Database name. (default "goldennum")
-db-pass string
Database password. (default "goldennum")
-db-path string
Path to sqlite3 database. (default "./sqlite3.db")
-db-type string
[sqlite3, mysql] (default "sqlite3")
-db-user string
Database username. (default "goldennum")
Set debug mode.
-password string
Admin password. Random if empty.
By default, server read all configs from command line flags.
If flag
is set, server will load configs from{FILE}
instead of flags. Refer toconf/config.example.yml
for detail. -
If environment variable
is set, non-empty environment variable will override corresponding fields. Refer toexample.env
for detail. -
not set, a safe random token will be used.
Players may develop their own AI/Bot to take part in the game, using the API port.
PR welcome!
Nanjing University Microsoft Student Club for sending me to MSC Summer Camp, 2018, where I met the game.
Zhanglv0413 for designing the lovely logo.