A fast convert library between the JSON and C structure. Implement structure serialization and deserialization for C. | C 结构体与 JSON 快速互转库,快速实现 C 结构体的序列化及反序列化
leveldb chinese annotation
LBA tools(hd_write_verify & hd_write_verify_dump) are very useful for testing Storage stability and verifying DATA consistency, there are much better than FIO & vdbench's verifying functions. for e…
Literature references for “Designing Data-Intensive Applications”
《Go 编程基础》是一套针对 Google 出品的 Go 语言的视频语音教程,主要面向新手级别的学习者。
python 数据结构与算法 leetcode 算法题与书籍 刷算法全靠套路与总结!Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
A simple Flask boilerplate app with SQLAlchemy, Redis, User Authentication, and more.
Experimental service to provide a high-level (hopefully safe and easy) wrapper around tgtadm for iSCSI
✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics database management system
程序员鱼皮原创项目,免费的闯关式 SQL 自学教程网站,从 0 到 1 带大家掌握常用 SQL 语法,纯前端实现,简单易学~
Curve-tgt is a multithreading iSCSI server supports Curve cloud native storage system
带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码(annotated Redis 3.0 source code)。
Gluster Filesystem : Build your distributed storage in minutes
Mirror of official Lustre development repository
🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)
rocksdb-6.1.2 KV存储引擎源码中文注释分析,后期与mongodb默认KV存储引擎wiredtiger进行原理与性能比较,近期持续更新
A tutorial on RDMA based programming using code examples