Build type is Release by default, you can pass the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
definition when building to specify it.
You also can pass the USEBOOST
definition to use boost-filesystem instead of std::filesystem for whatever reason.
vcpkg install curlpp nlohmann-json boost-filesystem boost-system
git clone && cd discord-webhook
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
@REM General options:
discord-webhook.exe --delete <url> @REM Delete the specified webhook.
discord-webhook.exe --dump <url> @REM Dump information about the specified webhook.
discord-webhook.exe --send <url> @REM Send a message (POST) to the specified webhook with the specified parameters.
discord-webhook.exe --json <file> @REM Load webhook parameters from a JSON file.
discord-webhook.exe --username <name> @REM Specify the username.
discord-webhook.exe --content <text> @REM Specify the message content.
discord-webhook.exe --avatar-url <url> @REM Specify the avatar URL.
discord-webhook.exe --file <path> @REM Specify the path to the file to attach (must be less than 8MB).
@REM Embed options:
discord-webhook.exe --title <title> @REM Specify the embed title.
discord-webhook.exe --description <text> @REM Specify the embed description.
discord-webhook.exe --color <color> @REM Specify the embed color
discord-webhook.exe --footer <footer> @REM Specify the embed footer text.
discord-webhook.exe --footer-icon <url> @REM Specify the embed footer icon URL.
discord-webhook.exe --help @REM Display this help message.
"webhook-url": "",
"username": "Username",
"content": "Message example",
"avatar-url": "",
"embed-title": "Embed Title",
"embed-description": "This is an embed description.",
"embed-color": "16711680", // decimal
"embed-color": "#FF0000", // hex
"embed-footer": "Footer text",
"embed-footer-icon": "",
"file": "path/to/file.txt",
"dump": false,
"delete": false,
"send": true