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Prisma PostgreSQL with Docker

This project uses Prisma with a PostgreSQL database running in a Docker container for local development. It is a Node.js TypeScript server with Express.

Getting Started


Before setting up the project, make sure you have the following software installed on your computer:

  • Docker - for running a PostgreSQL container
  • Node.js - to run the server
  • Yarn - for managing project dependencies


  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
git clone
cd your-repo

Replace your-username and your-repo with the actual GitHub username and repository name.

Install the project dependencies.

yarn install
  1. Start the PostgreSQL Docker container.
docker-compose -f db-docker-compose.yml up -d

This command will read the docker-compose.yml file and create a Docker container running PostgreSQL. The container will be named ord-swap-db, and the database will have the following settings:

Database name: ord_swap Username: ord_swap_user Password: ord_swap_password The PostgreSQL container will be accessible on port 5432. A named volume called ord-swap-data is created for data persistence.

  1. Apply the Prisma schema to your PostgreSQL database and generate the Prisma Client.
npx prisma migrate dev --name init

This command will create a migration to apply the Prisma schema (defined in prisma/schema.prisma) to your PostgreSQL database. It will also generate the Prisma Client, which you can use in your Node.js TypeScript server to interact with the database.

Now run yarn db:seed to seed the database

  1. Start the development server.
yarn start

This command will start the Node.js TypeScript server using ts-node. By default, the server listens on port 3000.

You can now access the server at http://localhost:3000/ and test the available API routes.

Development Workflow

The project is set up with the following scripts for a smooth development experience:

Format your code: yarn format Check your code with ESLint: yarn lint Automatically fix issues with ESLint: yarn lint:fix Run tests: yarn test These scripts help enforce code standards and run tests for the project.


To run our tests, you will need to have bitcoin core installed as well as the ord wallet implementation.

For instructions on installing bitcoin core as well as the bitcoind and bitcoin-cli commands, see here:

For instructions on installing the ord wallet, please consult the ord documentation:

Make sure that bitcoind, bitcoin-cli and ord are in your PATH


If you encounter any issues, try running the following command to recreate the PostgreSQL Docker container:

docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

This command will stop and remove the Docker container and then create a new one.

If you still experience issues, you can delete the named volume to remove all data from the PostgreSQL container:

docker-compose down
docker volume rm your-repo_ord-swap-data
docker-compose up -d

Caution: This will delete all data from the container.


Once you are running the server, navigate to http://localhost:3000/docs/


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