A shopping list with a RESTful API and an Angular 1 Frontend supported by Angular-Material.
This application allows you to manage your shopping lists and share them with your friends, roommates, ..
- Java 8
- Maven 3
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Yannic92/shoppingList.git
With SSH:
git clone [email protected]:Yannic92/shoppingList.git
Have a look at the Configuration - Mailing
cd shoppingList
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Have a look at the Configuration - Mailing
First package the app to a JAR-file
./mvnw clean package
Then move the JAR-file inside the target
directory to
the place where it should be deployed.
This JAR-file can be executed:
java -jar $name_of_the_jar_file
If you want to add custom configuration you can do this like explained in the Spring Boot Documentation.
By default H2 database is used. If you want to use a mysql for example the application.properties should provide the following properties:
You have to configure the mail properties to make the shopping list work properly. Use the following properties:
shopping-list.mail.host=Your SMTP server
shopping-list.mail.port=Your Port
shopping-list.mail.properties.mail.smtp.starttls.enable = true/false
shopping-list.mail.properties.mail.smtp.starttls.required = true/false
shopping-list.mail.properties.mail.smtp.auth = true/false
shopping-list.mail.confirmation-mail-address= email address where confirmation mails should be sent
shopping-list.mail.confirmation-mail-password=your password