Student’s awareness about what constitutes a balanced diet has risen significantly. To know what it is to eat healthy is only one piece of the puzzle though; maintaining a healthy diet at UCSD is a common dilemma among students. To solve their issue, we, LEET, have developed an app that not only displays the nutrition facts of all foods served from dining halls, but enables students to keep track of what they have consumed and to compare their consumption with their goals.
The app should be run on Android Studio. Android version of 3.0 or higher. SDK version of 3.0.1 or higher. Virtual Machine of Android Nexus 5X or higher.
- Clone the most recent version of Triton Meal Search at .
- Unzip Leet-Master zip file.
- Download Android Studio and update to the most recent.
- Import project Leet-Master.
- Click Run and select virtual device of Nexus 5X or higher.
The program shall automatically begin as the virtual device is completely initiated. If the program is not automatically run, scroll down and click Triton Meal Planner app.
For those who wish to view a prepopualated account here are login credentials, we only ask for responsible use. Username:[email protected] Password: 123456a
Email verification takes a highly variable amount of time (from nearly instant to 15+ minutes). When you sign in as guest and try to access the profile and stats pages, you will be prompted to the signup page automatically. However, if you click on the default ‘back’ button in the android, it will bring you to the stats or profile page and the app will crash. When UCSD Dining Halls are closed no menu will appear.
Yasuhira Chiba - [email protected] Sharad Venkateswaran - [email protected] Daniel Kim - [email protected] Samuel Givens - [email protected] Kevin Barron - [email protected] Daniel Gwag - [email protected] Xinhe Zhang - [email protected] Jesslyn Hernawan - [email protected] Pyeong Hwang - [email protected] Danny Huang - [email protected]