🏢 I’m currently working in AuditorsDesk as Sr. Platform Engineer
🌱 I’m currently working on Standarizing Jenkins Pipelines using DSL
💡 Hashtag that describes me #DevOpsWizard
📝 I regulary write articles on Hashnode
💬 Ask me about DevOps Tools and Practices
📫 You can reach me at [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact We guys automate stuff
📦 Trying out GoLang
📦 Terraform Templates for setting up Infrastructure over AWS - Github
📦 Deployment of a static webpage using AWS s3 and CloudFront - Github
📦 Setting up a jenkins pipeline for CI/CD of static website hosted on s3 - Github
📦 CI of a python application using circleCI - Github
📦 Containerizing a ML MicroService and running it over Kubernetes - Github
📦 A Capstone Project for setting up end to end devops pipeline prepared during accomplishing Udacity Cloud DevOps Nanodegree - Github