Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- Beijing, China
Structural Variant Identification Method using Genome Assemblies
Scripts associated with the sea otter and giant otter genome project (Beichman et al. 2019)
yuzhenpeng / mafTools
Forked from dentearl/mafToolsBioinformatics tools for dealing with Multiple Alignment Format (MAF) files.
yuzhenpeng / maffilter
Forked from jydu/maffilterThe MafFilter genome alignment processor
yuzhenpeng / CNEr
Forked from ge11232002/CNErConserved Noncoding Elements (CNEs) Identification and Visualisation
yuzhenpeng / mafviewer
Forked from cmdcolin/mafviewerA JBrowse plugin to view multiple alignment format (MAF) files
A pipeline for processing data in a comparative genomics project.
yuzhenpeng / TAD-and-loop-identification-workflows
Forked from Bio-protocol/TAD-and-loop-identification-workflowsTAD-loop identification
Code used to analyse WGS data of giraffe in Coimbra et al. 2021
Convergence event counting and probability calculation according to Zou and Zhang, 2015, Mol. Biol. Evol.
VGP repository for the genome assembly working group
Tools for improving the sensitivity and specificity of genome alignments
Assemble and following pipeline used in wisent genome paper.