const yermanmerel = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [Javascript, HTML, CSS],
tools: [React, Redux, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, AWS Amazon],
You can find me 🌐:
const yermanmerel = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [Javascript, HTML, CSS],
tools: [React, Redux, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, AWS Amazon],
You can find me 🌐:
Forked from adrianhajdin/project_modern_ui_ux_gpt3
Master the creation of Modern UX/UI Websites
Diferentes vistas para la creación de una e-comerce y despues migrar este HTML a React.js para la vista de la misma
Una Landing-Page sobre un programa de televisiòn que transmite peleas en vivo.