- 数据收集:使用
获取过去三年的历史股票数据。 - 特征选择:包括关键属性,例如
(成交量)。 - 序列生成:利用过去90天的数据预测未来60天的收盘价格。
- 自定义Transformer编码器:
- 多头注意力机制捕捉复杂的时间依赖关系。
- 前馈网络学习高级表示。
- 层归一化和dropout用于正则化。
- 输入形状:接受形状为
(90, 5)
的序列(90天的5个特征)。 - Transformer模块:堆叠了四个Transformer编码器层,参数如下:
- 注意力机制:通过加权注意力聚合时间信息。
- 输出层:一个全连接层预测收盘价。
- 批量大小:64
- 学习率:0.001(Adam优化器)
- 损失函数:均方误差(MSE)
- 评价指标:平均绝对误差(MAE)
- 将数据分为训练集(80%)和验证集(20%)。
- 使用带有5轮耐心期的早停法防止过拟合。
- 通过dropout层和小学习率进行正则化。
- 在Transformer层中应用dropout。
- 将Transformer模块数量限制为4个。
- 使用早停法监控验证性能。
- 使用
- 最终训练损失:约0.097(MSE)
- 最终验证损失:约0.118(MSE)
- 最终MAE:约0.26
This project explores the use of a Transformer-based neural network to predict stock prices, specifically targeting Apple Inc. (AAPL). It demonstrates the construction, training, and evaluation of a custom Transformer model designed to process sequential financial data.
- Data Collection: Utilized
to fetch historical stock data for the past three years. - Feature Selection: Included key attributes such as
, andVolume
. - Sequence Creation: Used 90 past days of data to predict the closing price for the next 60 days.
- Custom Transformer Encoder:
- Multi-head attention mechanism for capturing complex temporal dependencies.
- Feedforward layers for learning higher-level representations.
- Layer normalization and dropout for regularization.
The Transformer model includes the following:
- Input Shape: Accepts sequences of shape
(90, 5)
(90 days of 5 features). - Transformer Blocks: Stacked four Transformer Encoder layers with the following parameters:
: 64num_heads
: 4ff_dim
: 128dropout
: 0.1
- Attention Mechanism: Aggregates temporal information through weighted attention.
- Output Layer: A dense layer to predict the closing price.
- Batch Size: 64
- Learning Rate: 0.001 (Adam optimizer)
- Loss Function: Mean Squared Error (MSE)
- Metrics: Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
- Split the data into training (80%) and validation (20%) sets.
- Utilized early stopping with a patience of 5 epochs to prevent overfitting.
- Regularization through dropout layers and small learning rates.
- Applied dropout in Transformer layers.
- Limited the number of Transformer blocks to 4.
- Early stopping to monitor validation performance.
- Scaled features using
to stabilize gradients during training.
- Final Training Loss: ~0.097 (MSE)
- Final Validation Loss: ~0.118 (MSE)
- Final MAE: ~0.26