Building a normal app for an iphone is a hassle. Building a PWA is also a hassle but less of a hassle. Since they're a somewhat newer technique Information is a bit scarce.
So here I made a really easy starter file which with some basic knowledge about js/html you should be able to figure out!
If you want to just play around and see what does what delete code. go to the Developer tools tab in chrome and go to lighthouse and analyze page load for just the progressive web app. This should give you a better understanding of what does what exactly!
for the creation of the images I just went to the website and threw in a png file. This also creates a webmanifest.
For this project I've used the tailwind css framework.
I installed it into this repo so in order to keep working with that
run these commands:
npm install -D tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss -i ./css/input.css -o ./css/output.css --watch
Have fun building and good luck!🫡