Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
Support for many missing PostgreSQL specific features
Laravel adapter for Roach, the complete web scraping toolkit for PHP.
nosovk / the-cube
Forked from bsehovac/the-cubeThe Cube - A Rubik's Cube Game
Demo-project of Laravel Login/Register via API from Vue.js client
A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)
jsmitty12 / phpWhois
Forked from phpWhois/phpWhoisphpWhois general repository
jQuery Scroolly plugin that gives you full control on scrolling effects
Парсер аккаунтов подписчиков и подписок в Instagram на основе прокрутки списков
The Caesium compression library written in Rust (with a C interface)