ZauberCMS is a fully featured CMS built in .NET 9 and Blazor InteractiveServer. The CMS is inspired by Umbraco, and follows a number of the same concepts.
I wanted a CMS that was aimed towards .Net Developers who wanted to use Blazor and also a CMS that is easily extendable and customisable without having to learn a front end framework. Anyone that has Blazor experience and is interested in getting involved, please contact me on X
Core tech used is: .Net 9, Blazor, EF Core, Identity, Mediatr, Radzen Components
This repo comes with a starter site example, if you clone this repo, build and run the ZauberCMS.Web project you will see the starter kit (Go to /admin, register an account to see everything).
However, fastest way to get started building your own website is using the .Net Template, firstly install the ZauberCMS template (--force just makes sure you install the latest one, which is 2.0.8)
dotnet new install ZauberCMS.Template --force
Then create your new solution and project (Project names should start with ZauberCMS so the plugin system picks them up) using the code below:
dotnet new sln --name "YourSolutionName"
dotnet new zaubercms -n "ZauberCMS.YourProjectName"
dotnet sln add "ZauberCMS.YourProjectName"
You can also use Nuget and full instructions on how to use it are below (I prefer this way myself)
The video below shows the starter site being built. It covers building a site from nothing, to complete finished site. If you have never used Umbraco then I highly recommend watching it as it covers a lot of concepts.
For full documentation click the link below
After v2.0 the next big release will be v2.5. You can see the progress and release features here
And issues found here