Welcome to the YonseiDatabase-SJ-DH GitHub organization! This team was formed as part of a database course project at Yonsei University. Our mission is to explore and implement the entire data lifecycle, from creation and preprocessing to in-depth analysis using SQL.
This project involves generating synthetic datasets using Python. The created data serves as the foundation for further analysis and exercises, simulating real-world scenarios for database manipulation and analysis.
In this project, we transform CSV-formatted data into SQL files compatible with MySQL. This enables efficient insertion and management of data within a database system. Learn more about the code here.
This project focuses on leveraging MySQL to analyze correlations between various data attributes. Through this analysis, we aim to uncover patterns and derive meaningful insights from the dataset.
Our team is dedicated to gaining hands-on experience in database management and analysis. By working through these projects, we aim to deepen our understanding of SQL, enhance our problem-solving skills, and explore the practical applications of database systems.
Feel free to explore our repositories, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or suggestions!