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SWE Projects

SWE Projects is an open source project that aims to help people build projects that go beyond working on localhost. It aims to create high quality tutorials for high quality projects.

Why SWE Projects?

SWE Projects was created to be the go-to destination of high quality coding projects and tutorials on how to build them.

Most existing coding tutorials are random articles found on the internet or multiple hour long videos on Youtube that say a project is "complete" once it works on localhost.

We want to change that by creating high quality tutorials for technically impressive projects that you can actually deploy out onto the internet and share with friends, families, recruiters.

Get Started

To run SWE Projects locally, just run the following commands to install the dependencies and run the app locally.

npm install

npm run dev

Connect your own database

SWE Projects uses Planetscale for our database. To connect your own local instance to SWE Projects, create a Planetsscale account and create a database. Once you create a database, you can connect it to SWE Projects by creating a .env file at the root directory and add an environment variable called DATABASE_URL pointing to your Planetscale db url.

After adding your DATABASE_URL, run npx prisma db push && npm install to initialize the database on your local instance.

You probably also want to set up authentication as well. SWE Projects uses Clerk for authentication. Create your Clerk account and pass in the NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and CLERK_SECRET_KEY env variables to set it all up.

If you're confused, you should check out Theo's video here on how to set up Planetscale and Clerk. SWE Project uses the t3 starter kit mentioned in the video so you should be able to follow along with the video.

TODO(YourAverageTechBro): Provide test data script

We are working on writing up some instructions on how to create your own database instance to develop locally.

Is SWE Projects Free?

We plan to include the source code for every project that we write a tutorial for. However, we do plan to charge for the step-by-step written tutorials at

Community & Support

  • Discord — chat with the SWE Projects team and other developers
  • Canny - Request/upvote feature requests and project requests
  • GitHub issues - to report bugs

How You Can Contribute

Submit a project + Write a Tutorial

Have a project that you built that you want to write a tutorial for? Join our Discord and post a message in the #project-proposal channel. If you create a project tutorial, we will split all sales of the project tutorial with you — a great way to make some extra income.

Translate an existing project to another language

We want to make sure that every project in SWE Projects is offered in a variety of languages and tech stacks. If you see a project that you want to translate into a different project, join our Discord and post a message in the #project-translation channel.


High quality, end-to-end coding projects for everyone



