This Repo has Features from Various Repos. Some are unique while some are available as Public. Alternate leech log is a Unique Feature. Rest try Your luck.
- Direct links Supported:,,,, antfiles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Only works for file not folder or business account), (Uptobox account must be premium) and
Bot commands to be set in @BotFather
mirror - Mirror
zipmirror - Mirror and upload as zip
unzipmirror - Mirror and extract files
qbmirror - Mirror torrent using qBittorrent
qbzipmirror - Mirror torrent and upload as zip using qb
qbunzipmirror - Mirror torrent and extract files using qb
leech - Leech
zipleech - Leech and upload as zip
unzipleech - Leech and extract files
qbleech - Leech torrent using qBittorrent
qbzipleech - Leech torrent and upload as zip using qb
qbunzipleech - Leech torrent and extract using qb
clone - Copy file/folder to Drive
count - Count file/folder of Drive
watch - Mirror yt-dlp supported link
zipwatch - Mirror yt-dlp supported link as zip
leechwatch - Leech through yt-dlp supported link
leechzipwatch - Leech yt-dlp support link as zip
leechset - Leech settings
setthumb - Set thumbnail
status - Get Mirror Status message
rsslist - List all subscribed rss feed info
rssget - Get specific No. of links from specific rss feed
rsssub - Subscribe new rss feed
rssunsub - Unsubscribe rss feed by title
rssset - Rss Settings
list - Search files in Drive
search - Search for torrents with API
cancel - Cancel a task
cancelall - Cancel all tasks
del - Delete file/folder from Drive
log - Get the Bot Log
shell - Run commands in Shell
restart - Restart the Bot
stats - Bot Usage Stats
ping - Ping the Bot
help - All cmds with description
variable can be used for edit/add any file in repository.- You can add private/public repository link to grab/overwrite all files from it.
- You can skip adding the privates files like token.pickle or accounts folder before deploying, also no need to add variables direct links except config.env, simply fill
private one in case you want to grab all files including private files. - If you added private files while deploying and you have added private
and your private files in this private repository, so your private files will be overwritten from this repository. Also if you are using URL variables likeTOKEN_PICKLE_URL
then all files from those variables will override the private files that added before deploying or from privateUPSTREAM_REPO
. - If you filled
with the official repository link then be carefull incase any change in requirements.txt your bot will not start after restart. In this case you need to deploy again with updated code to install the new requirements or simply by changing theUPSTREAM_REPO
to you fork link with that old updates or make it empty if deployed master branch. - In case you you filled
with your fork link be carefull also if you fetched the commits from the official repository. - The changes in your
will take affect only after restart. UPSTREAM_BRANCH
don't ever fill heroku here.
1. Using Railway
- Go to railway and create account
- Start new project
- Press on
Provision PostgreSQL
- After creating database press on
- Go to
column - Copy
Postgres Connection URL
variable with it
2. Using Heroku PostgreSQL
3. Using ElephantSQL
- Go to elephantsql and create account
- Hit
Create New Instance
- Follow the further instructions in the screen
- Hit
Select Region
- Hit
- Hit
Create instance
- Select your database name
- Copy your database url, and fill
variable with it
To use list from multi TD/folder. Run in your terminal and follow it. It will generate drive_folder file or u can simply create drive_folder
file in working directory and fill it, check below format:
MyTdName folderID/tdID IndexLink(if available)
MyTdName2 folderID/tdID IndexLink(if available)
For using your premium accounts in yt-dlp or for protected Index Links, create .netrc file according to following format:
Note: Create .netrc and not netrc, this file will be hidden, so view hidden files to edit it after creation.
machine host login username password my_password
machine instagram login anas.tayyar password mypassword
Instagram Note: You must login even if you want to download public posts and after first try you must confirm that this was you logged in from different ip(you can confirm from phone app).
Youtube Note: For youtube
authentication use cookies.txt file.
Using Aria2c you can also use built in feature from bot with or without username. Here example for index link without username.
machine password index_password
Where host is the name of extractor (eg. instagram, Twitch). Multiple accounts of different hosts can be added each separated by a new line.
To Clone or Leech gdtot link follow these steps:
- Login/Register to gdtot.
- Copy this script and paste it in browser address bar.
- Note: After pasting it check at the beginning of the script in broswer address bar if
exists or not, if not so write it as shown below.
javascript:(function () { const input = document.createElement('input'); COOKIE = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({cookie : document.cookie})); input.value = COOKIE['cookie'].split('crypt=')[1]; document.body.appendChild(input); input.focus();; var result = document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(input); if(result) alert('Crypt copied to clipboard'); else prompt('Failed to copy Crypt. Manually copy below Crypt\n\n', input.value); })();
- After pressing enter your browser will prompt a alert.
- Note: After pasting it check at the beginning of the script in broswer address bar if
- Now you'll get Crypt value in your clipboard
- From this you have to paste value for CRYPT in config.env file.