This little script takes a Wikipedia article title and returns a Python dictionary based on that article's infobox.
##Usage Simply place the wikitodict module in your project directory and use like so:
>>> import wikitodict
>>> cheers = wikitodict.search('Cheers')
>>> cheers['genre']
>>> cheers['num_seasons']
>>> cheers['opentheme']
u'"Where Everybody Knows Your Name" <br />Performed by Gary Portnoy'
##Issues This is about as quick and dirty as it gets.
- No error handling to speak of.
- Results are still a little 'dirty' with html elements and user comments present in many dictionary values.
- Not all key value pairs make sense. For example, the dictionary for 'Barack Obama' contains the key 'blank1' with the value 'Awards' and the key 'data1' with the value 'Nobel Peace Prize'. A much better result would be an entry with the key 'Awards' and the value 'Nobel Peace Prize'.