A work in progress epub file encryption tool
- prevents interception - confidentiality
To install dependencies and run tests the following instructions should be followed
- Requires Python 3
- Requires pip 3
make deps
Once dependencies have been built, simple navigate to lockbox/lock_box and execute python3 locker.py this will prompt you to select the mode of operation either e to encrypt, d to decrypt or q to quit sample input
Input mode (e)ncrypt (d)ecrypt (q)uit
Please enter path to file
please enter Encryption pass phrase
make test
make -k check
The -k
option instructs make to keep going even if the
linter and type checker fails. Need this to run all checks.
Alternatively, the linter can be run separately using:
make lint
The type checker can be run separately using:
make type_check
- Add digital signing using file hash digest
- Add UI for ease of use