MPLBM-UT supports the calculation of capillary pressure and relative permeability curves, single phase permeability, 3D tortuosity, contact angles, and percolation pathway of 3D images or tiff slices.
This repository was created by Javier E. Santos, Abhishek Bihani and Alex Gigliotti in collaboration with Christopher Landry, Hugh Daigle, Masa Prodanovic, Wenhui Song, and Michael Pyrcz at The University of Texas at Austin.
The direct fluid flow simulation is performed using Palabos v2.2.1. We utilize the Shan-Chen model for the multiphase simulation and the BGK and MRT for the single phase simulation.
This library provides tools to interact with the palabos simulation engine. Its aim is to provide ready-to-go tools to compute relevant properties for permeable media. It includes scripts for creating efficient geometries for simulation, single and multiphase models with various boundary conditions, and extensive postprocesing tools. The Palabos backend makes the simulation engine flexible enought to be run on a single core of a personal computer or in hundreds of nodes of a supercomputer.
- Matlab or Octave (Python alternative coming soon)
- Unix system (the Windows bash or the terminal in Mac)
- GCC 7.2
- OpenMPI 2.1.1 or MPICH2
Please refer to the unsteady state example for a complete end-to-end workflow
An overview of the main steps is given below.
A) Pre-processing (Matlab/Octave):
This is necessary to create the geometry for simulating with Palabos (.dat file) from initial geometry file.
- If the geometry is a raw image file, use create_geom_4_2phase.m
- If the geometry is of another type like .MAT file, multiple image slices (.tiff/.png/.jpg) or grain center coordinates use create_geom_4_2phase_more_file_types.m
B) Two-Phase LBM Simulation (cpp w/MPI using PALABOS):
The multiphase flow simulation can be run after updating geometry and simulation parameters in 2-phase .xml-file. An explanation of every input (in english and chinese) is provided in two_phase_template_explanation
C) Post-processing (Matlab/Octave):
The results of the simulation need to be processed for creating capillary pressure curves, creating geometries for relative permeability calculations and other results.
- Read the generated files using create_geoms_4_kr.m
(It will calculate the saturation for all files, will convert the fluid configurations (1 and 2) to .dat files for 1-phase LBM simulation)
- If interested in the percolation path of the fluid, run percolation_path.m
(It will find the file where breakthrough occurs and will caculate the percolation path length/tortuosity. It will also visualize the percolation path at breakthrough)
D) Single-Phase LBM Simulation (cpp w/MPI using PALABOS):
The single phase flow simulation is necessary for creating relative permeability curves. Update geometry and simulation parameters in 1-phase .xml-file.
E) Visualization The produced .vti files can be opened with Paraview to perform 2-3-4D visualization.
- Young's equation
- Young-Laplace
- Washburn
- Unsteady state
- Steady state: an video example is shown in: youtube video
1. Why am I getting an error like "HYDU_create_process (./utils/launch/launch.c:69): execvp error on file ../../src/2-phase_LBM/ShanChen (No such file or directory)"?
If this does not work, you can open the bash terminal from the main folder and type following commands sequentially.
cd src
cd 2-phase_LBM/build
cmake ..
cd ../../1-phase_LBM/build
cmake ..
2. I am getting a segmentation error. What to do?
3. My image is loaded properly but it doesn't look right. What happened?
geom.swapXZ = true;
in all geometry creation files (for example line 26.).
4. I have a SCons compilation error. What to do?
"../MultiphasePorousMediaPalabos-0.1.0/src/palabos-v2.0r0/src/gridRefinement/couplingInterfaceGenerator3D.h" line 145, "return dataProcessors;" should be "return *dataProcessors;".
5. Why am I seeing the same line printed multiple times? / Why is the code so slow?
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install gfortran
cd /tmp
tar xzvf mpich2-1.4.1.tar.gz
cd mpich2-1.4.1/
sudo make install
Note that this process takes a few hours.
6. I am getting a Java Heap Memory error in Matlab. What to do?
If you're working on a remote system/cluster or supercomputer, the easiest way to do this is to find and change your matlab.prf file diretly.
You will find the matlab.prf in your user storage directory. It will be something like:
`[user home]/.matlab/[Matlab version]/matlab.prf`
Once the file is open add the following line to the file:
`JavaMemHeapMax = [Java Memory Code]`
You will need to find the sepcific Java memory code that corresponds to the amount of RAM you need.
Or you can try this fix (If you are on a remote system, cluster, or supercomputer this may not work):
7. I am getting an error related to the class auto_ptr
If you use our workflow, please cite as:
Santos J., Bihani A., Landry C., Multi-Phase Porous Media for Palabos. Git code (2019). 10.5281/zenodo.3842279
- Bihani A., Daigle H., Santos J., Landry C., Prodanović M., Milliken K. (2019). H44B-06: Insight into the Sealing Capacity of Mudrocks determined using a Digital Rock Physics Workflow. AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 December, San Francisco, USA.
- Santos, J. E., Prodanovic, M., Landry, C. J., & Jo, H. (2018, August 9). Determining the Impact of Mineralogy Composition for Multiphase Flow Through Hydraulically Induced Fractures. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi:10.15530/URTEC-2018-2902986
- Landry, C. J., Karpyn, Z. T., and Ayala, O. (2014), Relative permeability of homogenous‐wet and mixed‐wet porous media as determined by pore‐scale lattice Boltzmann modeling, Water Resour. Res., 50, 3672– 3689, doi:10.1002/2013WR015148.
- Santos, J. E., Xu, D., Jo, H., Landry, C. J., Prodanović, M., & Pyrcz, M. J. (2020). PoreFlow-Net: A 3D convolutional neural network to predict fluid flow through porous media. Advances in Water Resources, 138, 103539.
- Gigliotti A., Hesse M., Prodanovic M., Pore-Scale Simulation of Two-Phase Melt Percolation During Core Formation in Planetesimals (Mar. 2021). LPSC,
- Xu, R. et al (2020). Pore-scale study of water adsorption and subsequent methane transport in clay in the presence of wettability heterogeneity. Water Resources Research
- Jonathan B. Grunewald et al 2021 J. Electrochem. Soc. 168 024521
- Unsteady state simulation set-up: Pan, C., Hilpert, M., and Miller, C. T. ( 2004), Lattice‐Boltzmann simulation of two‐phase flow in porous media, Water Resour. Res., 40, W01501,
- Contact angle approximation: Huang, H., Thorne, D. T., Schaap, M. G., & Sukop, M. C. (2007). Proposed approximation for contact angles in Shan-and-Chen-type multicomponent multiphase lattice Boltzmann models. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 76(6), 1–6.
- Fluid flow model: Santos, J. E. (2018). Lattice-Boltzmann modeling of multiphase flow through rough heterogeneously wet fractures. University of Texas at Austin (Master thesis).
- Absolute permeability code modified from Degruyter et al. (p.31) -
- Skeletonization code modified from Kollmannsberger Philip-
- Dijkstra's algorithm code modified from Kirk Joseph-
- 3D Euclidean distance code modified from Yuriy Mishchenko-
We welcome contributions. Find some ideas below:
- [ ] Moving boundary problem: proppant transport or formation damage
- [ ] Fluid with variable density
- [ ] 3D grid refinement
- [ ] better initialization for unsteady state sim
- [ ] matlab to python translation: geometry creation
- [ ] Testing GPU capabilities