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Normalization-By-Evaluation example
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VictorTaelin committed Feb 28, 2022
1 parent 6448e7c commit f2de70f
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313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions examples/normalization-by-evaluation.hvm
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@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
// Pair
// ====

// (PairGet (Pair a b) (∀a ∀b c)) : c
(PairGet (Pair x y) fn) = (fn x y)

// Maybe
// =====

// (Default (Maybe a) a) : a
(Default None y) = y
(Default (Some x) y) = x

(ToMaybe 0 x) = None
(ToMaybe 1 x) = (Some x)

// List
// ====

// (Find (∀a (Maybe b)) (List a)) : (Maybe b)
(Find cond Nil) = None
(Find cond (Cons x xs)) = (FindGo (cond x) cond xs)
(FindGo None cond xs) = (Find cond xs)
(FindGo (Some x) cond xs) = (Some x)

// String
// ======

// (StrIsEmpty String) : Bool
(StrIsEmpty StrNil) = 1
(StrIsEmpty (StrCons x xs)) = 0

// (StrConcat a:String b:String) : String
(StrConcat StrNil ys) = ys
(StrConcat (StrCons x xs) ys) = (StrCons x (StrConcat xs ys))

// (StrFlatten a:(List String)) : String
(StrFlatten Nil) = StrNil
(StrFlatten (Cons x xs)) = (StrConcat x (StrFlatten xs))

// (StrEqual (List String) (List String)) : U32
(StrEqual StrNil StrNil) = 1
(StrEqual (StrCons x xs) (StrCons y ys)) = (& (== x y) (StrEqual xs ys))
(StrEqual xs ys) = 0

// Todo: improve this
// (StrHash String) : String
(StrHash str) = (StrHashGo str 0)
(StrHashGo StrNil hash) = hash
(StrHashGo (StrCons x xs) hash) = (StrHashGo xs (+ (- (<< hash 5) hash) x))

// Parser
// ======

// Code : Type
// Code = String

// Answer : Type -> Type
// Answer A = Parsed Code A | Failed String

// Parser : Type -> Type
// Parser A = Code -> Answer A

// (IsNameChar Char) : Bool
(IsNameChar chr) =
let is_letter = (| (& (<= 'a' chr) (<= chr 'z')) (& (<= 'A' chr) (<= chr 'Z')))
let is_number = (& (<= '0' chr) (<= chr '9'))
let is_symbol = (& (== '_' chr) (== '.' chr))
(| is_letter (| is_number is_symbol))

// (Bind a_parser:(Parser a) b_parser:(∀a (Parser B))) : (Parser B)
(Bind a_parser b_parser) = λcode (BindGo b_parser (a_parser code))
(BindGo b_parser (Parsed code a_val)) = (b_parser a_val code)
(BindGo b_parser (Failed err)) = (Failed err)

// (Done val:a) : (Parser a)
(Done value) = λcode (Parsed code value)

// (IsSpace Char) : Bool
(IsSpace chr) = (| (== 10 chr) (== ' ' chr))

// (GetName String) : (Pair code:String name:String)
(GetName) = λcode (GetNameGo code)
(GetNameGo StrNil) = (Pair StrNil StrNil)
(GetNameGo (StrCons head tail)) = (GetName_1 (IsNameChar head) head tail)
(GetName_1 0 head tail) = (Pair (StrCons head tail) StrNil)
(GetName_1 1 head tail) = (GetName_2 head (GetNameGo tail))
(GetName_2 head (Pair code name)) = (Pair code (StrCons head name))

// (PeekHere text:String) : (Parser Bool)
(PeekHere text) = λcode (Peek_0 text code λx(x))
(Peek_0 StrNil ys init) = (Parsed (init ys) True)
(Peek_0 (StrCons x xs) StrNil init) = (Parsed (init Nil) False)
(Peek_0 (StrCons x xs) (StrCons y ys) init) = (Peek_1 (== x y) xs y ys init)
(Peek_1 0 xs y ys init) = (Parsed (init (StrCons y ys)) False)
(Peek_1 1 xs y ys init) = (Peek_0 xs ys λk (init (StrCons y k)))

// TODO: simplify by calling Peek here
// (MatchHere text:String) : (Parser Bool)
(MatchHere text) = λcode (Match_0 text code λx(x))
(Match_0 StrNil ys init) = (Parsed ys True)
(Match_0 (StrCons x xs) StrNil init) = (Parsed (init Nil) False)
(Match_0 (StrCons x xs) (StrCons y ys) init) = (Match_1 (== x y) xs y ys init)
(Match_1 0 xs y ys init) = (Parsed (init (StrCons y ys)) False)
(Match_1 1 xs y ys init) = (Match_0 xs ys λk (init (StrCons y k)))

// (Match text:String) : (Parser Bool)
(Match text) = λcode ((MatchHere text) (SkipSpaces code))

// (ParseTextHere text:String) : (Parser Unit)
(ParseTextHere text) = (Bind (MatchHere text) λgot(ParseTextHere_0 got))
(ParseTextHere_0 False) = (Failed "Expected...")
(ParseTextHere_0 True) = (Done Unit)

// (ParseText text:String) : (Parser Unit)
(ParseText text) = λcode ((ParseTextHere text) (SkipSpaces code))

// (SkipSpaces String) : String
(SkipSpaces (StrCons x xs)) = (SkipSpaces_0 (IsSpace x) x xs)
(SkipSpaces_0 0 x xs) = (StrCons x xs)
(SkipSpaces_0 1 x xs) = (SkipSpaces xs)

// (ParseNameHere) : (Parser String)
ParseNameHere = λcode (ParseNameHere_0 ((GetName) code))
(ParseNameHere_0 (Pair code name)) = (Parsed code name)

// (ParseName) : (Parser String)
ParseName = λcode ((ParseNameHere) (SkipSpaces code))

// (Grammar choices:(List (Parser (Maybe a)))) : (Parser a)
(Grammar Nil) = λcode (Failed "Expected...")
(Grammar (Cons choice choices)) = λcode (Grammar_0 (choice code) choices)
(Grammar_0 (Failed err) choices) = (Failed err)
(Grammar_0 (Parsed code None) choices) = ((Grammar choices) code)
(Grammar_0 (Parsed code (Some result)) choices) = (Parsed code result)

// Note: unlike Rust's version, this won't rollback
// (Guard head:(Parser Bool) body:(Parser a)) : (Parser (Maybe a))
(Guard head body) = λcode (Guard_0 (head code) body)
(Guard_0 (Failed err) body) = (Failed err)
(Guard_0 (Parsed code False) body) = (Parsed code None)
(Guard_0 (Parsed code True) body) = ((Bind body λgot(Done (Some got))) code)

// Term
// ====

// Term Parsing
// ------------

// (ParseLet) : (Parser (Maybe Term))
(ParseLet) = (Guard (Match "let ")
(Bind ParseName λname
(Bind (ParseText "=") λx
(Bind ParseTerm λexpr
(Bind ParseTerm λbody
(Done (Let name expr body)))))))

// (ParseLam) : (Parser (Maybe Term))
(ParseLam) = (Guard (Match "λ")
(Bind ParseNameHere λname
(Bind ParseTerm λbody
(Done (Lam name body)))))

// (ParseApp) : (Parser (Maybe Term))
(ParseApp) = (Guard (Match "(")
(Bind ParseTerm λfunc
(Bind ParseTerm λargm
(Bind (ParseText ")") λx
(Done (App func argm))))))

// (ParseCtr) : (Parser (Maybe Term))
(ParseCtr) =
(Guard (Match "[")
(Bind ParseName λctor
(Bind ParseCtrArgs λargs
(Done (Ctr ctor args)))))
(ParseCtrArgs) =
(Bind (Match "]") λdone
(ParseCtrArgs_0 done))
(ParseCtrArgs_0 True) =
(Done Nil)
(ParseCtrArgs_0 False) =
(Bind ParseTerm λhead
(Bind ParseCtrArgs λtail
(Done (Cons head tail))))

// (ParseVar) : (Parser (Maybe Term))
(ParseVar) = (Bind ParseName λname (ParseVar_0 name))
(ParseVar_0 StrNil ) = (Done None)
(ParseVar_0 (StrCons x xs)) = (Done (Some (Var (StrCons x xs))))

// (ParseTerm) : (Parser Term)
(ParseTerm) = (Grammar [

// (Read code) : Term
(Read code) = (Read_0 ((ParseTerm) code))
(Read_0 (Parsed code term)) = term

// Term Stringification
// --------------------

// (Show term:Term) : String
(Show term) = ((ShowGo term) "")
(ShowGo (Let name expr body)) =
λx((ShowGoStr "let ")
((ShowGoStr name)
((ShowGoStr " = ")
((ShowGo expr)
((ShowGoStr "; ")
((ShowGo body)
(ShowGo (Lam name body)) =
λx((ShowGoStr "λ")
((ShowGoStr name)
((ShowGoStr " ")
((ShowGo body)
(ShowGo (App func argm)) =
λx((ShowGoStr "(")
((ShowGo func)
((ShowGoStr " ")
((ShowGo argm)
((ShowGoStr ")")
(ShowGo (Ctr ctor args)) =
λx((ShowGoStr "[")
((ShowGoStr ctor)
((ShowGoCtrArgs args)
((ShowGoStr "]")
(ShowGoCtrArgs Nil) = λx x
(ShowGoCtrArgs (Cons head tail)) =
λx((ShowGoStr " ")
((ShowGo head)
((ShowGoCtrArgs tail)
(ShowGo (Var name)) =
λx((ShowGoStr name)
(ShowGoStr xs) =
λx(StrConcat xs x)

// Term Evaluation
// ---------------

// Counts free occurrences of a name
(Count nm (Var name)) = (StrEqual name nm)
(Count nm (App func argm)) = (+ (Count nm func) (Count nm argm))
(Count nm (Lam name body)) = (CountShadow (StrEqual nm name) nm body)
(CountShadow 0 nm body) = (Count nm body)
(CountShadow 1 nm body) = 0

// Appends N copies of a term to a vars context
(Clone 0 name term ctx) = ctx
(Clone 1 name term ctx) = (Cons (Pair name term) ctx)
(Clone n name term ctx) = (Cons (Pair name term) (Clone (- n 1) name term ctx))

// Converts a term to high-order
// (High term:Term) : HTerm
(High term) = (PairGet (HighGo term Nil) λx λy y)
(HighGo (Var name) vars) = (HighFind name vars)
(HighFind name (Cons (Pair var val) vars)) = (HighFound (StrEqual name var) name var val vars)
(HighFound 1 name var val vars) = (Pair vars val)
(HighFound 0 name var val vars) = (PairGet (HighFind name vars) λvars λgot (Pair (Cons (Pair var val) vars) got))
(HighGo (Let name expr body) vars) =
(PairGet (HighGo expr vars) λvars λexpr
(PairGet (HighGo body (Cons (Pair name $x) vars)) λvars λbody
(Pair vars (HLet expr λ$x body))))
(HighGo (App func argm) vars) =
(PairGet (HighGo func vars) λvars λfunc
(PairGet (HighGo argm vars) λvars λargm
(Pair vars (HApply func argm))))
(HighGo (Lam name body) vars) =
let vars = (Clone (Count name body) name $x vars)
(PairGet (HighGo body vars) λvars λbody
(Pair vars (HLam λ$x body)))
(HighGo (Ctr ctor args) vars) =
(PairGet (HighGoArgs args vars) λvars λargs
(Pair vars (HCtr ctor args)))
(HighGoArgs Nil vars) =
(Pair vars Nil)
(HighGoArgs (Cons head tail) vars) =
(PairGet (HighGo head vars) λvars λhead
(PairGet (HighGoArgs tail vars) λvars λtail
(Pair vars (Cons head tail))))

// Application
(HApply (HLam fbody) argm) = (fbody argm)
(HApply func argm) = (HApp func argm)

// Converts a term to low-order
(Low term) = (LowGo term 0)
(LowGo (HVar name) depth) = (Var name)
(LowGo (HLam body) depth) =
let name = (StrCons (+ 97 depth) StrNil)
let body = (LowGo (body (HVar name)) (+ depth 1))
(Lam name body)
(LowGo (HApp func argm) depth) =
let func = (LowGo func depth)
let argm = (LowGo argm depth)
(App func argm)

(Main n) =
let term = (Read "(λf λx (f (f (f (f x)))) λf λx (f (f (f (f x)))))")
let term = (High term)
let term = (Low term)
(Show term)

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