Tags: ZHANGPeidong/sockeye
Added custom speedometer to exactly track samples/sec and words/sec d… …uring training (awslabs#260)
Update to mxnet==1.0 (awslabs#244) * Fix inference dims for mxnet 1.0 * Improved mx.NDArray indexing: removed intermediate numpy arrays for scores and topk hyp/word indices * Removed unused parameter * Reformatting inference.py * simplify _get_inference_input() * Update dependencies to mxnet==1.0.0 * Expose nccl kvstore and gradient compression * Update major version
Fixed the maximum input length calculation at inference. (awslabs#255) * Fixed the maximum input length calculation at inference. * doc string
Bugfix: --num-samples-per-shard must be int (awslabs#254) * Bugfix: --num-samples-per-shard must be int * bump version
Sharded data iterator. (awslabs#241) * Sharded data iterator. * Added remaining sockeye/*.py files to typechecked files (awslabs#242) * Tests to see we get the right number of batches. * Improved log message about vocabs a little bit * Factored validation iter creation into separate function * Covering prepare data in the system tests. * Writing a data version.
Remove RNN parameter packing, FusedRNN support; refactored core model… … components (awslabs#189) * Removed RNN parameter packing and FusedRNN support * Refactor embedding and output layers (awslabs#196) * Removed RNN parameter packing and FusedRNN support * Refactoring of sockeye model: source embed/target embed/output layers are now separate components in model * Make training and inference work. Remove lexical biasing code.
Yet another fix for the data iterator. Added a test. (awslabs#188) * Yet another fix for the data iterator. Added a test that would catch this kind of problem * Bump minor version
Hotfix: use correct vocab and add_bos setting for target side validat… …ion data (awslabs#186)