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Generic implementation of the Number Theoretic Transform in the context of cryptography applications

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NTT-EIP as a building block for FALCON, DILITHIUM and Stark verifiers

This repository contains the EIP for NTT transform, along with a python reference code, and a solidity implementation.


The threat

With the release of Willow cheap, the concern for quantum threat against Ethereum seems to accelerate. Post by Asanso and PMiller summarize those stakes and possible solutions. Those solutions include use of lattice based signatures such as Dillithium or FALCON (the latter being more optimized for onchain constraints), STARKs and FHE. There is a consensus in the cryptographic research community around lattices as the future of asymetric protocols, and STARKs won the race for ZKEVMs implementation (as used by Scroll, Starknet and ZKsync).

Those protocols have in common to require fast polynomial multiplication over prime fields, and use NTT (a special FFT adapted to prime fields). While in the past Montgomery multipliers over elliptic curve fields were the critical target of optimizations (both hardware and software), NTT optimization is the key to a performant PQ implementation.


In the past Ethereum chose specificity by picking secp256k1 as its sole candidate for signature. Later, after dedicated hardware and proving systems working on other hardwares were realeased, a zoo of EIP flourished to propose alternative curves. There where attempt to have higher level EIPs to enable all of those at once, such as EWASM, SIMD, EVMMAX, or RIP7696 (by decreasing order of genericity and complexity).

Picking NTT as EIP instead of a given scheme would provide massive gas cost reduction for all schemes relying on it.

  • pros : massive reduction to all cited protocols, more agility for evolutions.
  • cons: requires to be wrapped into implementations, not optimal for a given target compared to dedicated EIP, not stateless.


The NTT operates on sequences of numbers (often coefficients of polynomials) in a modular arithmetic system. It maps these sequences into a different domain where convolution operations (e.g., polynomial multiplication) become simpler and faster, akin to how FFT simplifies signal convolution. Compared to FFT which uses root of unity in complex plane, NTT uses roots of unity in a finite field or ring.

The NTT is based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), defined as: $$ X[k] = \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} x[j] \cdot \omega^{j \cdot k} \mod q$$


  • $x[j]$: Input sequence of length N.
  • $X[k]$: Transformed sequence,
  • $q$: A prime modulus,
  • $\omega$: A primitive N-th root of unity modulo $q$, with $\omega^N \equiv 1 \mod q \quad \text{and} \quad \omega^k \not\equiv 1 \mod q ; \forall ; 0 < k < N$

NTT computation uses the a similar approach as Cooley-Tukey algorithm to provide a O(N log N) complexity. The NTT algorithm transforms a sequence $(x[j])$ to $(X[k])$ using modular arithmetic. It is invertible, allowing reconstruction of the original sequence via the Inverse NTT (INTT). The inverse process is similar but requires dividing by (N) (mod (q)) and using $(\omega^{-1}$) (the modular inverse of $\omega$). The following algorithm is extracted from [LN16], and describe how to compute the NTT when $R_q= \mathbb{Z}_q[X]/X^n+1$ (Negative Wrap Convolution).

alt text

The Inverse NTT is computed through the following algorithm:

alt text



Field $n$ Recursive NTT (Tetration) Iterative NTT (ZKNox) Iterative InvNTT (ZKNox)
Falcon 512 761 μs 528 μs 561 μs
Falcon 1024 1642 μs 1076 μs 1199 μs
Dilithium 128 165 μs 114 μs 113 μs
Dilithium 256 371 μs 258 μs 260 μs
BabyBear 256 531 μs 389 μs 404 μs

The recursive inverse NTT is very costly because of the required inversions. For Falcon, the field is small enough so that field inversions can be precomputed, but the cost is still higher than the iterative inverse NTT. The field arithmetic has not been optimized. In the case of BabyBear, this becomes significant and so the comparison is not really significant.


Function Description gas cost Tests Status
NTT recursive original gas cost from falcon-solidity 6.9M OK
InvNTT recursive original gas cost from falcon-solidity 7.8M OK
Full Falcon verification original gas cost from falcon-solidity 24 M OK
NTT iterative ZKNOX 4M OK
InvNTT iterative ZKNOX 4.2M OK
Full Falcon verification ZKNOX 8.5 M OK


Further optimizations are reached by using Yul for critical sections and using the CODECOPY and EXTCODECOPY trick detailed in of [RD23] (section 3.3, "Hacking EVM memory access cost").

Function Description gas cost Tests Status
ntt.NTTFW ZKNOX_NTTFW, iterative yuled 1.9MM OK
falcon.verify_opt Full falcon verification with precomputated pubkey 3.6M OK

Go Ethereum (WIP)

ZKNOX is planning a client implementation for node of the considered EIP.


We provided an optimized version of FALCON, using an optimized version of NTT. This code can be used to speed up Stark verification as well as other lattices primitives (Dilithium, Kyber, etc.). While it seems achievable to use FALCON as a progressive precompile, the cost remains very high. Using a client implementation with NTT-EIP (in a Geth fork for example), ETHEREUM could become from a PQ-Friendly and ZK-Friendly chain. This work is supported by the Ethereum Foundation.


  • [LN16] Speeding up the Number Theoretic Transform for Faster Ideal Lattice-Based Cryptography. Patrick Longa, Michael Naehrig.
  • [EIP616] EIP-616: SIMD Operations for the EVM. Greg Colvin.
  • [RD23] Speeding up elliptic computations for Ethereum Account Abstraction. Renaud Dubois.
  • [DILITHIUM] CRYSTALS-Dilithium: A Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme. Léo Ducas, Eike Kiltz, Tancrède Lepoint, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Peter Schwabe, Gregor Seiler and Damien Stehlé.


Generic implementation of the Number Theoretic Transform in the context of cryptography applications






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