iOS and Watch app to find city bicycles to rent in your city
Examples showing Compositional Layout, Diffable Data Sources and more!
Combustion engine simulator that generates realistic audio.
Nested scrolling with pager just like in Twitter and Instagram profile.
Non-intrusive iOS UI library to implement overlay based interfaces
Custom view controller transitions: scary, but not THAT scary.
⚓️ Async/Await CLLocationManager Wrapper for Apple Platforms
Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
The Apple SDK for Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS)
A collection view layout that gives you control over the horizontal and vertical alignment of the cells.
A flexible UIPageControl like Instagram.
A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI
Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift
A very flexible message bar for UIKit and SwiftUI.
A star rating control for iOS/tvOS written in Swift
A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that 'pages' and centers its cells 🎡 written in Swift
An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just one line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
A declarative, performant, iOS calendar UI component that supports use cases ranging from simple date pickers all the way up to fully-featured calendar apps.
A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.
💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: We'd like to use github "issues" just for tr…
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0.