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(UTC +13:00)
windows-driver-docs Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/windows-driver-docsThe official Windows Driver Kit documentation sources
PowerShell Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedJul 24, 2022 -
node-bird Public
Forked from cpeters008/node-birdAPI Wrapper for Bird scooters
ScootRadar Public
Forked from cafitzp1/ScootRadarA web app which displays locational data for e-scooters overtime around Tempe
klfc Public
Forked from 39aldo39/klfcKeyboard Layout Files Creator
bhima-2.X Public
Forked from Third-Culture-Software/bhimaA hospital information management application for rural Congolese hospitals
react-to-web-api Public
A example React project that calls a local web API This is a starter project that illustrates React components consuming a web API.
knex-forms-stories Public
User stories for practising forms and redirects using Knex
knex-relationships Public
User stories for practising database joins using Knex
react-redux Public
Forked from reduxjs/react-reduxOfficial React bindings for Redux
eeg-101 Public
Forked from NeuroTechX/eeg-101Interactive neuroscience tutorial app using Muse and React Native to teach EEG and BCI basics.
nocode Public
Forked from kelseyhightower/nocodeThe best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
create-react-app Public
Forked from facebook/create-react-appCreate React apps with no build configuration.
vscode-recipes Public
Forked from microsoft/vscode-recipesJavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 20, 2018 -
egghead.io_redux_course_notes Public
Forked from tayiorbeii/egghead.io_redux_course_notesNotes (and partial transcription) of Dan Abramov's Redux course videos on http://egghead.io
1 UpdatedApr 12, 2018 -
react-minimal Public
Forked from dev-academy-challenges/react-minimalA super simple React starter
test_env_init_routes Public
Forked from frankxuzy/test_env_init_routesJavaScript UpdatedApr 8, 2018 -
test_env_init_dbtest Public
Forked from frankxuzy/test_env_init_dbtestJavaScript UpdatedApr 7, 2018 -
boilerplate-knex Public
Forked from kamon-harrell/boilerplate-knexSimple boilerplate using Express and Knex.js.
js-calculator Public
Forked from sarah-mclaughlin/js-calculator -
neurodoro Public
Forked from NeuroTechX/neurodoro🍅 A dynamic brain-responsive pomodoro timer
minesweeper Public
Forked from tony-luisi/minesweeperIt's fairly sweepy.
dom-events-and-classes Public
Forked from ejhessing/dom-events-and-classesSimple event-driven programming
dom-applying-classes Public
Forked from eda-old-challenges/dom-applying-classesSimple CSS manipulation using classes
event-handling Public
Forked from eda-old-challenges/event-handlingSimple event handling