Best Electronics Ltd.
- Dhaka,Bangladesh
- https://zahed.dev
- Zahedhasan.developer
- in/zahedhasan
Project of Best Electronics Ltd group of Zaman ECOM Dashboard using Angular 19
Its a basically Express.js server boiler plate that comes module based archiecture
express-fileforge is a file upload utility for Express.js that simplifies file handling. It provides a convenient way to save files to the server and manage file storage paths. This package is desi…
Bangla NLP dataset. Bangla NER,POStag, text summarization, stopword, translate, sentiment analysis, wiki articles, root word, dataset etc.
🗃️ Centralized State Management for Vue.js.
Personal Portfoliobasedon Frontend:html5,css3,js,sass,Bootstrap4 Backend:Python,Django,Sqllite3
Coaching Managment System FrontEnd(Bs4,js,css3,html5,ajax)Parallex Web layout
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