This project contains a milter that discards DMARC email reports that report successes. All other emails are left untouched.
Section of RFC 7489 describes the email reports that other MTAs can send you.
Example DNS configuration:
;; ANSWER SECTION: 1800 IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:[email protected]; ruf=mailto:[email protected]; fo=1;"
In a typical report, you might see the following results:
The goal of this milter is to prevent those happy reports from reaching your inbox. The email is discarded, and an entry is sent to the server's maillog:
Oct 18 16:11:15 dmarc-report-milter[732]: DMARC report for[] matched 1 messages between 2024-10-13 00:00:00 UTC and 2024-10-13 23:59:59 UTC, and doesn't report any failure.
Usage: dmarc-report-milter [OPTIONS]
-s, --socket <SOCKET>
Socket specification for the milter to listen to.
inet:port@host – an IPv4 socket
inet6:port@host – an IPv6 socket where port is a numeric port, and host can be either a hostname or an IP address
{unix|local}:path – a UNIX domain socket at an absolute file system path
[default: inet:3000@localhost]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
dmarc-report-milter -s inet:3333@localhost
Postfix configuration example:
smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:3333
The project is written using standard Rust and Cargo logic.
cargo build
Unit tests can be run with cargo:
cargo test
Acceptance tests are written in Lua and use miltertest, which is part of
Start the milter:
dmarc-report-milter --socket "unix:/tmp/dmarc-report-milter-test.sock"
Run a test with miltertest
# miltertest -v -s tests/good_report_gz.lua
miltertest: connected to 'unix:/tmp/dmarc-report-milter-test.sock', fd 3
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: header sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: 706 byte(s) of body sent on fd 3, reply 'c'
miltertest: EOM sent on fd 3, reply 'd'
miltertest: disconnected fd 3